Page 277 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 277
Bahrain reforms, 1929 579
caoea without the intervention 0f tho Political Agent or
Advlnor(at good sularloa and there are nyw fivt lndiganoua .
Arutolo boyo' oohoolo and ono girlo* nohool on the ioland,
in addition to tvo Puruiun nationalist oohoola. In
addition, eight Bahrain boya, including throa olouo rela
tions of tho Huling Ohiotf, havo boon aont to tho American
University at Uoirut for education. .
I truot that thouo throe boyo will turn out well, :
and with Shaikh Mubarak — tlie moot promising of tho sons ,
of Shaikh ] Inland — will provide notarial for the higher
appointinonta in the State, and ultimately will prove cott-
petont to take ovar tho position now hold by tho European
Advloer and Cuutomu Director.
(J) Waqfn are omminently a religious matter in which,
it behovou foroignera, eopooially non-Muslima, to walk .
very warily.
Juot before hio dopar.tiro, Major J)alyv!
cor tain bad noandala, attomptod to take uutlon to reform'/the
Wuqfe, but hio ouooeoaor decided it would be boot not to
.1 . !#•••.•**.#
interfere and to truot to tlio public opinion that wan being ;•
otirred by tho liberal polioy of tho State. The/ polioy' of.
non-interforcnoQ appearo to bo Justifying itself. Kocontly
the ShlaliB themaolveo appointed , a committee which took over
their Waqfa from tho qadhi. If the Sunnis follow ouit,
large sumo now pookot^od by tho qadhio may bo come available
for primary education.
6. I have examined the present conduct of affair# in
Bahrain and I oeo nothing that can be profitably altered at
the proBunt moment.
Innovationu which.met with dppooition in 1933 are
now accepted as tho ordinary ooheme of things2 and the
Bahrain morohanta look forward to the development of aiJp
communication under Britioh auspices. The unpopulari^y.Qf _
^he Britluh Government, which wue worked up in the Arablo
and other preaa, haa now dloappeared and their goodeqrfca