Page 272 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 272

574                        Records of Bahrain
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                       institutions have beon ruthlessly swept away. The rafonai
                       instituted In or shortly before 1923 related to -

                            (a)  Municipalities.
                             (b)  Reorganisation of the Customs department.
                             (o) lnotltution of a pi'oper Police force.
                             (d)   Appointment of an Advloer to the Ohulkh.
                             (e)  Reformed Courto.
                             (f)  Reformo in conneotion with the pearl fiohory.
                             (g)  Survey.
                             (h)  Public Works,
                             (1} Kduoation.
                             (J) Reform of the Waqfs.
                        I will take the ubove oeriatim.
                             (a) Before and during the war, Huhruin wao notorious
                        for ite unhealthy climate, the otench wao indoaoribable

                        and plague vieited it evory ulternato year. In the oourue
                        of yearu the people of Hanuma, tlio ohief trading town, had
                        been becoming more and more cnlightcnod by contact with the
                        outside world. A doraand fof greater cleanliness aroce and
                        In spi^e of the opposition of fthuikh Isa, the demand, backed
                        by Major Rlokeon (the Political Agont), prevailed und a
                        Municipality was oBtabliohed in 1920. This municipality
                        etill exists and in 1927 wao followed by the establishment

                        of another in Uuharraq. The two Uunioipal CounoilB — the
                        members of ^iloh are partly nominated by the Ruler and.
                         partly elected — are presided over by Shaikh Hamad*s      : •
                         brother. The Political Agont and Advisor attend the meet­
                         ings but tuke little part in the proaocdlngs unless asked
                         for guidance.
                                   In 1920, a considerable part of the population
  ■ ■                    looked upon the Manama municipality as an objectionable

 II                      foreign innovation, but is now recognised as a valuable
                         portion of the administration. The liuharr&q municipality
                         was established in 1927 in consequence of popular doraand
                                                                           wi thout
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