Page 267 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 267

Bahrain reforms, 1929                  569

                                    - 4 *

                     U)   Government, and not the Political Agent, finally
                             hod to lnolot on throata inutoad of advice;
                     (J)  Shaikh Huxnad io a pleuount man but nook, and it
                             ia idle to pretend KM££ lie and hie brothers
                             would not backulldo.  To relax too much neons
                             to (jo through the nume grind no we hay^e  cons.
                3.        Throughout the history of Ualirain during the
                twentieth century, the feor of interference displayed by
                the Government of India in appuront.   Xn 1904 tlioy decided                  i

                ■to purouo a cautiono policy",  Later, tho Political Agent
                wan to Naeek tho amolioration of the intcrnul government
                by indlroot and pacific moans, and by gaining the confidence
                and trunt of the Shaikh".
                          In 1982 tlioy “did deBiro to be drawn into inter-
                feronce between tho Shaikh and hie people".  "Government
               ore not prepared to act until they oro outluflod all local
               ronouroeo arc exhausted".
                         Yet it wnu this Qovornmont, who wsro oo obviously
               and nincoroly anxlouo to avoid interference, wliloli finally

               had to order tho Political Hoaldant to take the etups which.
                led to tho dopoultion of tho huler. They never, howevor, :•
                forgot thoir original policy, and wltliln n couple of months.
               aro again wurnlng tho Political Agent to be on hlu guard
               agalnot boing tompted to interfere too much, or to bo come
                tho administrative officer rather than Uio advisor.
                         It 1b obviouo that Government did their very beat
                to avoid the action of 1923# tut it wae forced on them by^.-;
                the grooo tyranny of tho Al. Khalifa, vhon Uftnlkh Ioa made -
               no attempt to roatrain, and by tho preooure of the London
                Foreign Office, foarful of tho reaction in raroiu of the
               oppression of a Uhl all population, and because "misrule
                                                                     Y •
               would bo tho only oorious fluw in our cauo if the ututus of*
               Doliraln und our position in tho XHlnnds was brought bcfqro-V

                the Leoguo of hutlono”.
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