Page 265 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 265
Bahrain reforms, 1929 567
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Political Agent to Bahrain after the visit of
Lord Curson, our lntorosts In Internal natters
increased, and we continued to presu Ohaikh
loa with good advice. Me, however, scorned
more oonoornod with preserving his Independence
from uo, than with conciliating us, by whom
only hin independence could be maintainedj
(d) In 1904, following on riots in which Morsluns and
a Oerman wore concomod and in which Shaikh
lea wao first supine and tlien obstructive,
the Vlaoroy, Lord Ourson, advocuted vigorous
measures against him ao ho was "only encourag
ed In his obstinacy by our continued forbear-
anac". ?he moot important results of our
intervention wore the abolishment of Hiiukra
so far uo foreigners were concerned, the
bunlulunont to Bombay of Uie leudor of the"anti*
Poroiuo riots (who wuo Shaikh Isa's own
nephew), and the assumption by the I'olitiaul
Agont of Jurisdiction over foreigners, The
Ohaikh was reminded of hlo aanuruncas to
follow the advice of tho Political Meal dent.
In this case tho impossibility of obtain
ing justice for Hhiahu from the Hunni tyudhis
was brought to notice.
In connection with these events Major
Cox reported :
"1 do not uoe how we can expect
anything but periodical trouble from
a continuation of our laudable endeav-
ouro to carry un the Government of tho
lolando through tho rule of a chief,
who huo shewn himself to poososo few,,
if any, of the quailfioations nouoBsary
for the maintenance of order, the