Page 261 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 261
Bahrain reforms, 1929 563
Pago 16,
havn mentioned that people aro nlroadyfc thinking that there are
too many Syrians in the State, particularly.,amongnt the nohool*
30. To ouin up. I can find no reform that can be usefully
repealed exoept that I suggoot that Indiana be xnbofciduckjDl re*
plaood by Sudanooo in the Armed Police. Ae oonorotc ouggeations
I propoBo that ’-.hburuk be trained,liko Prinao George* in admlnie-
Irntion, and that hio couain bo earmarked for the Cuotoiao DifcoG-
torohip should he ti^un out Troll* I further suggest that as soon
an Shaikh lea dice the experiment of a* council bo given a trial*
and real power givon to it. I muot nay, ho.vovor, that if our
objoot io to inoroaoc our influence in fyatar and on the Truoial
Coast, v/c muot go there and work for it, for by no other means
will vro attain it.
I have tho honour to be,
Your moot obedient oorvont,
Political Agont, Bahrein.