Page 264 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 264
566 Records of Bahrain
Mo. 306-a. or 1929.
British Keaidonoy arid Connulatc-llenernl,
Buuhiro, 20th August 1029.
The lion*hie Lt.-Col. O.C.J. Barrett, C.U.I., O.I.K.,
Political Resident in the J'oruiun Gulf,
The Foreign Oecretary to the Government of Indlu,
Z have tho honour to re for to your lotto r ho.
7.164-^/20 of the 20th Huy 1929 asking me to examine the
whole question of British intorforonce in the Bahrain
administration, with a tfiew to daoiding how far it is pos
sible and oxpediont now to retrace the steps which have been
2. Tho hiotory of tho development of our concern in
the internal affaire of the lulundo ie fully net forth in
Lieutenant-Colonel Haworth's Ho. 296-0. of let Ooptomber
1927, bo it 1b unnecessary to ropuut it.
I wish, however, to otrouu the following points 2
(*) In 1069 wo hud installed Shaikh Zoa as Ruler of
the inlands und it was ontiroly due to our sup
port thut he had boon able to keep his position
(b) From 1077 to 1900 we uttoiapted, with our advloe,
to improve internal conditlono, but were mast
concerned about financial conditions and
particularly the Customs administration;
(o) From 1904, with the appointment of a Hritish