Page 269 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 269


                                  Bahrain reforms, 1929                  571

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               or Egyptian who would, for a oonnldoratlon, play Into the
               hando of Hernia or Najd.   It who tho dofenooleuunsas of
               tho Bahrain Government In the face of gang robberieo whloh
               led to tho lnotitution of tho Indian armod police,   These

               police hud to bo foreign an tho Bahrain Arab was averse
               from wooring uniform, had on objection to an oocupatlon
               unconnected with boatB und dioliked binding himself to
               fixed perlodo of duty,   Tho uvzoed pollco are still neoes-

               sury, but it may be poooible to make them Icon obotruelvoly
               foreign by substituting ijudanooe for Indiana, dlrootly the
               oontraat of tho latter expires at the beginning of 1031.
               Owing to the largo number of blacka, deuaendod from ulaves.
               domloiled in thu lolanda, tho Sudanese would molt into the
               landecupc in a way tho Indiana fail tcjfdo,   Ur Hulgruve,
               the prooont Advioor to niiulkh Hamad, 1ms experience of

               Sudanese, huving nerved wi th thorn in Egypt during the war.
              I would have rocommended that tho preoent European Goa*
              mandant of Polloe — whose four-year contract expires about
               tho oome time —» should depart vi th the Indiun policemen
              at the end of 1030.    In view, however, of the probability •
               that Bahrain may ohortly have to nubmlt to an Influx of
              American and other foreign drillero and oil workers,.! do
              not think it advisable to diepenuo with the oorvlceo of a
              European Commandant of Police unloeo and until wo are satis­
              fied that tlie threatened invasion — which would certainly
              include a number of tough characters — will not tuke
              place. On tho analogy of tho Anglo -Pur uian Oil Company,
               tho Gulf .Syndicate would probably start a Security Service
              of itb own, and the Bahrain State will require a European >
              Commandunt of Police to deal with it, and with the bad •
                                                                   • >
              oharaotera attracted by the ohunoo of employment.           !
              5.        1 turn now to the Cun toms Deportment,   This was •
              an old bone of contention botwoen Shaikh lea und the;Govern*
              wont of India. It wub Colonel UtiOd who flrat uuggeoted •
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