Page 266 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 266

568                       Records of Bahrain

                                          - 3 —
                                          aeourlty of pereonu unci of trad*7|
                                   ho wuo accordingly in favour of stronger
                                   meusurea but Hla Majesty’s Government decided

                                   that tlio amelioration of tha internal govern­
                                   ment should be sought by indirect and puclfio
                           (e) In 1919 Uhalkh Abdulla’s interview with Dir
                                   Arthur Ilirtael allowed how the Ruler chafed
                                   against the interference of the Political
                                   Agent in the nutter of Jurisdiction over
                                   foreigners and appointments to the bench of
                                   Uugiutrateo. Although the Political Agont
                                                                                ; •
                                   possessed thoae powers, he wua powerless to
                                   otop misrule;

                            (f)  The groeo oppreuaion from which the deposition
                                   of Dhaikh Isa in 1983 rescued tlio people ~
                                   especially tlie Uaharanuh, and the opening that
                                    thin opprenuien guve to foroign nations — en-
                                    pesially the Persians and the Wahabis. The
                                    opproooion io oet out in the extracts from
                                    Major Daly’s report forwurded to Government
                                    under Colonel Trovor’o lettor Wo. 23-3.,
                                    dated the Oth January 1982;
                            (g)   Colonel Knox brought to the notico of Government
                                    that thcjwhole management of affairo would nort

                                    and more come into the lianda of the Political.
                            (h) With an uneduoatod Arab independence moano the
                                    power to do many things of which we do not
                                    approve. It means administering tha inlands
                                    for the sake of the Chief of the tribes, ex­
                                    ploiting the people fox* the rulers, and treat­
                                    ing the Ghioho as a people of an unprivileged;,
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