Page 260 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 260
562 Records of Bahrain
Pago 13.
only cauuo coufuolon. In appointing tho comnoil it would
bo advisable to ohoooe a mouont v/hori Shaikh Muhammad wao away I
on ono of his periodical vioito to India, as ho v/ould fool ho
ohould bo inoludod and though a poot of ropute, ho hao a great
capaoity for confusing issues and settling nothing.
28. I htwa Juot diocuooed the quootion of a tutor for ?4ubarol
with Shuiich Hamad. Ho would welcome ono, especially ono who
could train him in administrative mnr.tero, but lie said that iho
could not poouibly loavo Dahroin ao lie wan marriod, and oould
not take hie wifo with him. To loave tlio State without her io
apparently unthinkable. I then ouggooted that Paly ohould be
nent to the .VI lit ary School in Iraq which catered for boyo of
good family, but ho told mo that this v/ould aloo be tmpoooible.,
for apart from tlio great love they all had for him l a thorough
ly spoilt child ) both he and Mubarak had loot Y/eight whon they
woro sent to Basra to tho American ochool, and the servant sent
v/ith them had died of consumption shortly after their return*
I propose thoroforo to concentrate on gotting a suitable tutor
and will trust to overcoming the Shaikh’s objections to a wider
experience for Mubarak lator.
29. A son of Shaikh Ibrahim, nov/ on holiday from Beirut
University, seems to be the only young al Khalifa with a taoiite
for work and 1 suggest that whon ho hao completed his course Jtks
there he ohould bo sent to India for training by the Customs
Bopartmont, and then to Basra to stuoy conditions there, with a
view to becoming an aooiotant to Mr dc Oronior and v/hon he under-
stood the work taking it over, Thio will bo a solution for one
advisor but not an immediate ono. I am particularly unxiouo to
avoid posting Syrian and Egyptian frcolauoos to high poete in
tho State, and if Bin Gaud’s Eoroign Minister could flay to a
foreign repejrsentativo ( Jeddaii ddary for Mar oh *29 ) " I am the
King, tho Amir and tho Government in the Hedjaz " v/hat may we
expeot in Bahrein? Thio worthy v/as an out of work Paleetinian
sohool mafltor, and we ehould be foolish indeed to oubeitute a
Syrian of Egyptian autocrat for a Britioh official. I think I