Page 255 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 255

Bahrain reforms, 1929                   557

                                   J'age 10.
           bo allov/od to lnpoo.
               18.  The Indian Armed Polioe do oortuinly catch the  eye, aa
           Sir Ponyo Bray hao oboervod, and advorllso Britiah flontrol bo
          - I rooommond their roplaoeinent by Sudancoc.   Yemenia have an un-

           enviable reputation for treachery and mutiny, and would be no
           improvement on the old Lovy Corpo, but I fought with Sudoneee in
           the gpuude War, and have the highoet opinion of thoir value.
           Their knowlodgo of Arabia would be a great ageet, and owing to
           the number of nogroid divoro and othoro here, they would be inoon-
           oi/icuoue in Arab clothing whetfas an Indian in Arab drcee is al­
           ways recognioo.ble at a diotanoo.   V«e oould import them direct
           from Port Sudan and they would probably bo cheaper in tho long

           run than Indiuno.    I oug0OBt that Mr Bclgrayo oolecto the* men
           on hie way back from leave in 1931 when tho contraoto of the pre-
           oont foroo will have expired. It would bo moat advioablo &xsm
           for him to do thio ao military unite hnvo an unplcuoant habit of
           tranoferring men they winh rid of, and the Bahrein Stato
           had a deplorable experience of thio in the old Lovy Cprpo.   8hould
           it bo denired to take thio Btep at onoe, Captain I'urke oould oorao
           through the Sudan on hio way back from leave and bring the mon
           with him, but thio would involve the Stuto in large ourno for
           breach of oontract.
               19.  Ab regardo Public Works, the Manama Sea Road iB complete,

           the oontraot for the Eleotric Light echome given out, and the
           Shaikh1o palace and other works haye been oompletod, and now,
           tho dearest wish of tho Bahrein public, the Manama-Muharraq cause­
           way and bridge will shortly bo commenced.  Tho British Government
           hao acquired great merit by thono works, for the public realise
            that but for uo they would have never been undertaken,   There is
           nothing that oan bo undone here, and I feel that furthor progress

           cannot bo objootod to, oo long ao projects are soundly oonoeived
           and within the moano of the State.
               20.  yive boys sohoolo and ono      girls oohool now exist,
           ao oompured with one in 1021. For want of local material these
           sohoolo uro otaffod almost entiroly with Iraqis und Syrians.
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