Page 253 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 253
Bahrain reforms, 1929 555
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50» OOQ/- though earlier thoy viohod to force a compromise of
Ro 70Q/- on him. It must be remcmborod that if wo do not up
hold the righto of foroigncro their own Govornmonto will imme
diately olaim to do do. Though much otill roraaino to bo
done great improvoratji hao botn made in chocking nukhudao led-
goroi and divere booko aro now properly kept. Divero accept
the flguroo shown in their booko 7/ithout question, but many are
otill indebted for an much ao 3000/- and arc thoroforo onolavod
to thoir nakh.;dua for the reot of their livoo. I liavo riovcr un
derotood the hypocritioal attitude whioh uhedo crocodile teare
over nominal olavoo who aro usually well treated by tlieir muo-
tero and yet refuono to nothing for a body of rnon who uro onela-
ved to a dungcroue profenoionj men who if thoy are * protooted *
subjoctr. havo to be kept at it by all the rigouru of British
law and returned to tlieir raa3tor» if thoy run away and will not
pay their debto. I feel that thcro io nothing that wo oon
undo horc without grave injustice to a clans that io quito un
able to help itoelf.
15. The hand department hao very nearly complotod ito our-
voy, and the title doedo granted are greatly valued. In faot
in a ouoc involving property a party usually opens ito aaoo by
flourlnhing the title deed in tho face of the court. This, if
it^a doed ionued under the euporvioion of the Land dept, io k
uaually oonoidcrcd to nettle tho case out of bund l Ao a mat
ter of k fact thore io an urgont need for a settlement and a
proper Land department ao undorotood in India with reoordo of
righto, cncourugomontK of improvementxo and loano etc. This
department io very popular* and nothing but good can accrue from
10. The Armed Police are efficient und loyal and
Eive no trouble and are Ukod by tho Shaikh and pcoplo. The
old Lovy Corpo wore oompooed largely of undcolrabloo from Mbs-.
oat and v/ero a oourco of danger* Tho uniformed police are
mostly Poroiano ao vory few Arabs will do this work, They do
their work well, and are all dro ood in Arab kit*