Page 248 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 248

550                       Records of Bahrain
                                         Pago 3.
                     with# and murdor Shiah' Alim and companion near Budaiyya in
                     rovonge. In Jan 1924 oooond Sitrah outrago# in rovengo for ovi-

                     donoo given in former ease# otrong notion taken and roforrao oojq-
                     monoo. Govt ' havo no dcairc to proooed faster than they can Xx.
                     take tho Shaikh wholheartodly with them. A1 Ghat tarn murders#
                     omall ouragoo and finally attack on Shaikh'o lifo in 1926.
                     Levy Corpo had boon disbanded owing to incidento and Indiana
                     onliotod to fceplaoo them. Mr Bolgruvo arrives and reforms begin
                     to get under weigh. Capt. Parke arrivco, and from end of 1927

                     no further uotB of violenoo tako place,   This brief oummary
                     ohowo quite oloarly that Government'o policy of non-intorferenao
                     beoarao untenable# and finally they v/ero obliged to aot with
                     decision and vigour.
                          7.  I will now consider what reforms x wero contemplated.
                      It appears from the lotter forwarded with Residency lottor to
                      Govt under no.307/S of 15/6/23^ the principal reforms contemplate-
                      were, reform of finanoes# including the civil list. Customs#
                      Govt, offloes and a survey,   As * a result of the second Sitrah

                      outrage a Levy Corps wsb formed# to be diobandod lator and Pun­
                      jabi Musalmans being suboituted for the Musoati Baluchis.
                      Pearling reforms were also contemplated tho' I cannot trace
                      any proposals made to Oovt. concerning this,   Proposals were
                      made for a Judioial assistant to tho Politioal Agent# to be paid
                      for by the State# but thio idea was apparently dropped# and f^l"'

                      nally Mr Belgrave wao engaged ad Finonoial Advisor,   Ur dc Gren-
                      ier had already been engaged to reorganise tho Customs after
                      Mr Bower.
                          8. The reforms that were actually of looted are#
                          A.  a Financial AdviBer controlling all expenditure   and doing
                      his best to limit a too buoyant KxxeKddcfcxxx Civil List.
                          B.  A reorganised Customs department, with which is combined
                      Boat registration, collection of regaling licenooo# Passport
                      and Port Officer's duties#
                          C.  A reformed Court consisting of the Advisor and
                      he*!^ apparent# and a lower court composed of tho Adot Advioe*
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