Page 249 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 249

Bahrain reforms, 1929                   551
                                     Puge 4.

              and unothor al Khalifa.
                  D. Diving reforms. A proporly constituted Court, supervision
              of nakhuda’s books, and an account book for oach divor.
                  E.  Land Department. A survey has almost been oompleted
              and when finished surveyors will be reduced.
                  F. Polioe under a British Comjiiandunt, and no longer under
              minicipulity. They consiot of roughly 100 Indian armed polioo,

              and a local foroc of uniformed oono^tables, mostly Persians, and
              a foroo of nature or night' watchmen.
                  0. Public Works. Sea Road bilt, artesian wolls sunk, oioo-
              trio light about to bo installed.
                  H. Eduoation. One girls school and four boy’s oahools.
                  I. Waqfs. Shiah Waas removed from Qadhis by popular desire
                                      ^                Bahrain
              and placed in charge of laymen. An attempt by^Govt to do this
              in iSUiA 1926 oroated a riot, but it has now oomo about by the
              action of the Shah’s themselves.
                  J.- Municipalities. The Manama municipality has made groat
              strides and the newly created Muharraq municipality has made

              v.ondorful progress.
                   tt. It should be here stated that Bahrein has undergone a
              marked change in the six years that have followed Shaikh Isa’s
              deposition. The publio are far more onlightened acid ( it is
              common to hear mainland Arabs referred to as savages!) prosper­
              ity lias increased, and land values have trebnled. The Bahama

              have had security and Justice for the first time for 150 years •
              and have oorae to think of their riljgts. DiverB serfage has been
              much ameliorated and there is little or no opposition to Govern­
              ment! s activities and crimes of violence have almoot ceased.
              The Porsians show,however, an increasingly truculent national
              spirit, and the Nejdio and Hasawis aro as vooiferous as before.
              Instead of resisting roforras, the public spirit now demands them,
              and an instance of this is the way in which the Shiahs hayo Aqder
              taken the oharge of their wdqfs. More schools, technical edu-.;
              cation, modioal help and midwivos, largo publio worko ( e.g. the ’’
              Manama- Muharruq causeway and bridge ) are demanded, and the eleo*
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