Page 254 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 254
556 Records of Bahrain
ruge 0.
The Nature, or night wutolimen, arc rather a wild body but are
ouited to local requiromonto. Thlo io tho only foroo that Arabs
will Join ao they oan resign oaoily and go diving and thoy are
not obliged to wour uniform. It io found impossible to keep
them up to stcjrngth without oraploying u oortain number of Bu-
luohiB, ao the only work that roally lntorooto Arabo of thlo
olaeo io oomothing to do with boato.
It io tnuo that oinoe tho beginning of 1927 orimoe of vio-
lonoo have boon raro, but tho faot that my prodccoooor, an offi-
cor of^exporionoo and ability in doaling with Arabo v/ao ablo,
by a pdfcifcy prudont polioy of cautiouo oonoolidation to reallso
peaoo for over two yoaro, muot noo be allowed to give tho im-
prenoion that tho Polioo foroc are in any way unnoocooary or
or unduly large. The prooperity of Buhroin attracts a floating
population of undesirables at tho boot of timoo, and ouoh peo
ple need u firm hand.
17. I do not fool that this io tho momont to part with the
British Comr.nndant of Polioo, Captain Parke. V/o ohall shortly
see an oil oompany commencing oporationo on a groat soalo and
hundreds of raooulo and outthroatn thronging in thoir footsteps#
They havo the right to appoint their own polioo and will oertain
ly appoint one or more Europeans for tho work. In ouch a orowd
of Europeans our own Commandant of Polioo will be unnoticed,
urid in view of tho collisions with Europeans and Eurasians that
will undoubtedly ooour we noed oomeono with authority to deal
with them. Captain Parko io popular with the Shaikh,
( if not oo popular with the public ) and it io eooential that
there should bo someone to aot for hr Bolgravo when he goes on
lenvo. Mr dr- Grenier lo quite unfitted to do this, nor has he
tho timo. I boliove, howovor/thnt a bettor for tho Job than
Captain Parko could be found, and I know un ox-Nigorian Civil
servant who would be more ouitablo. Until the question of the
oil is finally nottlod I consider wo should retain a British
Commandant, but if the concession is not taken up, the post
' might,if Govormnent are determined to discharge one a<Lviaer»