Page 256 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 256

558                       Records of Bahrain

                                        Toga II.
                   An inolanoo of the growing preotlgc of the Bahrein Government has
                   Juot oomo to light.  Shaikh Abdullah,who hao had ontiro charge
                   of tho Sunni oohoolo from thoir inception hao Just aomo to oeo

                   Mr Bolgravo and told him that he io not oatiofiod with thoir pre-
                   oent condition, that he v/inhoo thorn to bo undor the Government
                   in tho future, and that a9 he fcclo ho doeo not know enough to
                   diroot their onergieo oinglehandod ho wiohoo a good inspector to
                    bo engQgod ospocially for them,   Thie, couplod with tho incroa-
                    oing demand for toohniaal education ohov/o that tho State in hard.,
                    put to it to moot tho domand for education let alone consider..a

                    roi-otionary stop. Thio oduoution io howaver, dopendont for ito
                    oxiotcnco on tho fundo oollooted by the Pirootor of Customs# and
                    oonoorvod by the Advioer, and any Iob:\ of revenue would oerioua-
                    ly affoct it.
                        20.  V.'ith the approval of the State but entirely of their
                    own aocord tho Shajihs dooided that they could raanago   the Y/akfo
                    bettor than tho fyadhie and havo tuicon them over without opposi­
                     tion. Public opinion will no doubt soon move the Sunnis, to take
                     the same steps and then large sumo now pockoted by tho tyadhis
                     will become available for primary eduoation and other purposes

                     for whloh the ondowmentB were mudo. I oeo nbthing to bo gained
                     by putting tho olook baok hore, and it io wall known that tho
                     Egyptian, Iraq and Syrian Governments havo already organised
                     Y/aqf departments.
                         21. The Manama municipality hnvo mado groat strides and( Mu-
                     hurraq is rapidly oatohlng up Manama.. The oity fathers take them
                     oelvos very soriouoly, but if iwk±aH neither the Advise?, or the

                     Politioal Agent aro proBent their mooting io apt to degenerate
                     into a aoreaming match. Muoli oound work hns,hoYfevor, been done
                     and thoir work io on tho wholo. appreciated by tho public. A.
                     minimum of intorferonoo io mado by the Adviser, who in. fact has
                      little time to givoA thorn, and tho Politioal Agent only takoe ao-.
                      tion when British or foroign intoroote aro involved.  Tpwno’of
                      OYor  25,000 inhabitants must havo municipalities, and those
                      are no oxooption to the rule.

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