Page 247 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 247

Bahrain reforms, 1929                  549

                                 Pago 2.
           and paoifio means, through an lnorcaoe of influonoe with the
           Shaikh " and in thio year tho Shaikh ( lea ) oeded Juriddiction
           ovor foreigners.    In 1912 tho Shaikh ouccoonfully dofied tho'
           Agonoy over tho quootlon of tho Lading Company, whioh had in->
           volvod British subjeoto in looeeo of over 50,000/- and insisted
           on corresponding tho Turkish Wall in Basra in defianoe of his- *
           treaty provisions. Punishment by mutilation wao again rosorted                      I
           to, and in 1913 a fight of BasrawiB occurred.
               5.  In the war years tho situation remained thoroughly bad,
           but Government wore prooocupied elsewhere, and as tho Shaikh's
           attitude was loyal, nothing was done.  Aloo/ao in the year 1916
           Micro wore no loso than fivo separate Political Agents, ono a xi
           clerk and anothor an invalid,it is not surprising the al Khalifa

           got out of hand. In 1919 Sliaikh Abdullah returnod from present­
           ing his four points to the Seoretary of State, returning 1 demor
           alised by his vist to Paris and its debaucherios ' and a reign
           of terrorism and oppression for Bahama commences. Hamad is the
           ostensible agentof hiB father but Abdullah becomes the real foro
           Reforms are considered but the Old Shaikh, Abdullah and the
           Queen' blook everything. The ' Qucen'holdo courts, puniohoo at

           will and banks or buries 500/- of State funds perdiem. List of
           22‘oriraes committed by Abdullah sent to Govt.
               6.  Events now raovo quiokjy.  The first Si trail outrage.
           Town fired on nightly.  Policeman murdered behind Agency on
           1/2/22. Govt, not prepared to act   until they are satisfied •
           all local rcsoucos are exhausted 1 • Demonstration of Bahama,
           lea gets cold feet, Abdullah frightened and retires.. In July 22
           Poroign Office point out that persecution of Shiahs will have
           unfavourable repercussion on Poroia.   Bin Baud's agent gives
           trouble. As result of Govt views, P.R. dropo idea of reforms.
           Attack on Barbar. Isa continues th thwart Hamad at every turn.
           Govt, determine to take aotion, Col Knox considers ( No. 421
           of 9/5/23 ) aotion premature and unneoesoary. Noxt day, Nejdi*

           Persian riots take place, followed by attack of Dowaoir in doy-
           light on 'Ali,    Shaikh Isa deposed. Dowaoir lightly dealt

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