Page 242 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 242

544                       Records of Bahrain

                       and that l'or this reason he informs me that Mr. do Gronlor
                       will remain at hie poet of Director of Customs as ho is
                       ploased with him and his hard work for his State.  Finally,
                       he says "If the Government of India want a cluinge in the
                       appointment of course they will make up any deficiency in
                       the revenues, and wo request Your jsxcoliency to explain
                       this matter to the Goveriunertof India. "
                       5.     Ab Sir Frederick Johnston pointed out to the
                       Government of India in the letter quoted above, it would
                       be impossible to combine the postB of Advisor and Director
                       of Customs witnout deterioration.  1 fully sjmipatnise
                       with the point of view set forth by the Shaikh in his letter,
                       and I feel that it is impossible for the Government of India
                       to go back at this state on the reforms which they introduced
                       with so much difficulty six years ago, and which have already

                       shown such beneficial results.
                       6.     I do not think it is realised tnat Mr. de Grenier
                        is responsioie (witn the revenue from pearling licenses
                        which he also collects) for the collection oi 97# of the
                        revenues of the State.  His revenue work is therefore of
                        the greatest importance, for unlike British India there are
                        no revenues from land, excise or income tax.   in fact he
                        is not only the Director of Customs but also the chief
                        revenue officer.  It must also be kept in mind that he ha6
                        nov/ been called upon to do all passport work, which till
                        recently was of little importance out now requires very
                        strict supervision owing to the difficulties created by the
                        Persian Government.
                        7.     1 show below toe collections of the customs for the
                        past, lour years.
                                      1M4    Ks. 0,02,000
                                      1545   ks. V,62,000
                                      1546   US. 10,00,000
                                      1547    P.3.10,70,000 (at least, one month to run)
                        It will be seen from these figures that there has been a
                        very considerable improvement which nas been made without the
                        imposition of any additional tuxation, and at an administrative
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