Page 240 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 240

542                        Records of Bahrain

                        4,    Y/hilo declining to admit that the Government
                        of India would do reoponoiblo lor any decrease in the

                        customs rovenuoa of Bahrain consequent on the removal
                        of fir. do Grenier from his appointment, I strongly
                        rocommend that his Kxcollency Shaikh Hamad's wish to
                        retain Mr. do Grenier's oervicos be respected and
                        request tnat I may be authoricod to inform tho Shaikh
                        that His Majesty's Government iiave no objection to the
                        retention ol* Mr. de Gronier'o services.
                                                           I have, etc.,
                                                     Sd. C.C.J.Barrett,
                                           Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.
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