Page 238 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 238

540                        Records of Bahrain

                                                               21 wV'.:i 1929 -
                                         Mo .F. 164-1^89.
                                                                -3, i 192!
                          The Deputy Beoretary to tho Government of India \
                              In tho Foreign and Political Department,
                      r~   T|i4 Hon*hit tho Political Resident In tho Persian Oulf*
                        4 1 7 7        Dated Simla,the 2jf/l May 1989.
                                British administration In
                                  tho Bahrain 8tate*
                           With reference to sir Frederick Johnston's letter Mo*8-8
                     dated the 19th January 1989, I am directed to eay that the
                     introduction of reforms in Bahrain was originally Intended only
                     to romoTO the worst features of Arab misrule* As matters stand
                     now, however, it would seem that the prooese has overrun Its
                     original limited objective* There are In Bahrain to-day a British
                     Finanolol Adviser, a British Police Offioer, and a British
                     Oustona Offloerj that is, aotually more British administration
                      than in an ordinary Indian 8tate, even than (for instonoe) In
                     Kalat, though Kalat is a frontier State, in which Imperial
                      considerations diotate a comparatively marked degree of dlreot
                      2*   There is an ovldont danger that with this example before
                      their eyes the minds of the smaller Arab rulers may be turned
                      increasingly in the dlreotlon of Ibn 8aud, as the greatest
                      Arabian figure* Their fear of Wahabi absorption nay be less than j
                      their fear of losing their looal and Arab individuality in
                      exchange for on unoongenlal western re'gime, however efflolent
                      and profitable that regime may be*
                      Z.    1 am to request you to examine in this light the whole
                      question of British interference in the Bahrain administration,
                      with a view to deoldlng how far it is possible and expedient now
                      to retrace the stepe whloh have been t&keni and to submit your
                     -PQ no rote proposals for the initiation of a revised polioy*
                     kHCLOGUHC IK J             Z have the^honour to be,
                     fOnCIGH UKGKLIAmY*!; !
                                  :            Tour moot obedient servant,
                   H<r      | 4 4   . '
                   1,4 Si; MAY. !.:■:!            Sd/« J*0*Aoheson,
                       17 JU!!. i:'.<
                                       Deputy 8eoretsry to the Oovernaent of India*
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