Page 236 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 236

538                       Records of Bahrain

                                                    PUT AWAY WITH ^
                                           Uo^iniur No.    *■' - ■ m.        •\V
                                                                               ,/ *
                                              P.                               1/
                     iuute Paper.                      POLITICAL DEPARTMENT.

                         JjUCLk /<rG               £'S.  Dated  (■f / •**;
                                                                          IUL7 .
                                                       lice.  « 7-^:

                                   Date. Iultiali.        SUBJECT.

                      odor Soorotary....i 1  i     Intomal administration of Bahrein:
                      *roU»ry wt Slulu ..i
                      )inmittoi).........1J ll, : 6'!  Quootion of dispensing with the
                                                   services of European Customs  Officer.
                      u»lor Secretary....
                      jcrulnry or Statu...    i
                                               *'••l*' *** $r<*4   C-0 .
                                                      FOR INFORMATION.

                                                      Sir Denys Bray (compare hie demi-
                                         I   official letter to ^r. V/akely on P. 5848/27
                                            H-’bolow, and hia demi-official correopondenco
                                *        i
                                             with Sir Lionel Haworth on P.   Hogged)
                              -•'i  ■P   i
                                             has been inclined to fool that weatomioation
                                             wao being overdone in Bahroin, whore, in
                                              addition to a Europeun Financial Adviser -
                                              ’ir. Howard Belgrave - there is a European
                                              officor in charge of the local arrnod police
                                              and a European Diroctor of Cub toms - all, it
                                              io true, tho oorvantB of the Sheikh, but all
                                              recommended to the Sheikh through the
                       tiou» I‘ai*■ nt:—
                                              Government of India. He hao been inclined in
                                              tho paet to euggeet that we ahould do well
                                              to concentrate tho  powers at present
                          2877   1000 c:><
                                              exercised by thoeo three officers in tho
                                              hands of the Financial Adviser, and reduce
                                              the nurabor of Europeans in tho State sorvico
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