Page 237 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 237

Bahrain reforms, 1929                   539

                      to one.
                               Customs recoipts aro tho moot important
                      item in tho ravonuo of the State. At tho moment they
                      amount to about 10 lakho, and thoy havo boon going up
                      otoadily under tho control of Ur. do Gronior for the
                      last two or throe years. The Bahrein trade ie vory
                      oubBtantial (wo have reoently heard that exports and
                      imports to and from tho Arab coast alone aro
                     'respectively 63 and 10 lakhs of rupeos), and Ur.
                      Howard Belgravo, the Financial Adviser, in private
                      conversation here last summer, strongly emphasised
                      that his own position would bo made most difficult
                      were it decided to disponso with the services of a
                     European Director of Customs. The Sheikh, he said,
                      would of course take whatever advice was given him (ytiLf-fV*
                      on thiB point, but it would impose an impossible
                     burden on tho Financial Advisor (evon assuming that
                     he waB not at the same time required to take
                      responsibility for the police consequent on the
                     abolition of a European Commandant) to require him
                     in addition to what was already a full day's work
                     to supdrvioo tho Customs administration. Ho felt
                     sure that withdrawal of the European Director of
                     Customs would be followed by un increuso *in
                     corruption, and by a definite falling off in revenue.
                        1      Sir Frederick Johnston's letter supporto
                     this view, and it ib perhaps to bo hoped that, in tho
                     light of his report, tho Govomment of India will
                     reconsider the question of recommending tho abolition of
                     the Direotor of Customs. It is understood from private
                     information that Ur. de Grenier's term of service has
                     been extended up to Juno.
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