Page 233 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 233

Bahrain reforms, 1929                  535

                                 mo; o-a. of 1089.
                     British Healdenoy an4 Oonsulate-oeneroly
                            Bustofifir'tljO-'l  anuary 1989.

                                    1 y ^ f;/ j
                   Ths Hon'ble Oir y.wr^ohnston, K.O.I.B • #  O.B.X • •
                                                         1.0.B • •
                       Political Kea Id ant In the Persian Gulf,
                   The Foreign tteoretary to the Oovernaent of India
                       in the Foreign and Political Department,
                                 lies Delhi.

                        1 have the honour to refer to Ulr Lionel
              Haworth's deopatoh ho. 20B-B., dated the let tteptenber
              1927, on the oubjoot of the administration of Bahrain.
                        ho orders appear to huve been pausod on that

              despatch, though it hue be on the Bubjeot of oortain
              unofflolal oorroopondenoo In uooordanoe with wliioh the
              Shaikh hue boon advloed that lio should dispense with
              the servioeo of Ur de Orenlor, the Custome Offloor.
                   2.   When 1 was at Dari ruin last seek the shaikh
              raised the question und stated that he specially
              desired to retain the uervioea of Ur de Grenier as he
              wus oonvlnced tliat under some other fora of administra-
              tion tlie efficiency of the Cuutooe would gravely
              deteriorate and the revenue experience a substantial

              falling off.
                        inquiries made fvoi.i the Financial Adviser
              end the Political Agent go to sites that the post of
              Quo toms Officer ie a itoo.le time Job and tliat the
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