Page 228 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 228

530                       Records of Bahrain


                                            the Al-Khuli f eh, commencing from the month
               /-«; <> ^ 11,                of "uharrum, end would point out that
                            * U1     *-Ja**i
                                            oince the pricen of all food.stuffs have
              u> w      c*j)^\y£fi?£j>£SiS\£j^ \  fallen heavily, they v/oulci actually bo
                                            no worse off than they wore before.
              'yiSr)s'\j JV U            6  Allowances granted for specific dutieo
                                            might he left untouched,
                                   LtMb               I also understand that Your
                                            Excellency, with your well-known generoo-
                                             ity of heart, oometimeo makes large loano
              ' . . *
                                             to prominent persons who happen to be in
                                             need of money,   Hov/ovor laudable and
                                      • i «■
                                             pvaisowerthy such actions may be in
                                             normal times, at a crisis ouch ps the
                                             present, 1 feel that Your Excellency
                                             should, as far as possible, refrain from
              •Vo ^P/*0 >*0*      I £j I
                                             such generosity, and, further, that the
              /        > ^
                                             special allov/rinces granted to various
                                             members of the Al-Khalifeh during the
              "yiyii)              Wc/       yeor for ’Ids and the purchase of dates
                                             and their summer moves might suitably be
                                             discontinued.  These measures will, I
                                             am afraid, be distaotcful to so generous
                                             a person as Your Excellency, but I would
                                              not urge them upon you did I not feel
                                              that they were absolutely neceooary,   but
                                              it is essential that the state budget
                                              should balance, and I think it is for
                          ^ 1 c/^c) l
                                              the ruling family to lead the way,   and
                                              show their readiness to share in the
               i         **                                       burdens ...
               U>>\ JU&<i f   o' f fcalW* u U**
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