Page 230 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 230

532                        Records of Bahrain

                 Dated.   21st Uhuoul 1349* 10th March 1031.
                 ^rom.  H.K-.Shaikh Hamad bln Iou al-Khulfuh,,
                               Doputy Ruler of Bahrain*

                  To.   ’^ho Hon'blo Lioutonant Colonel H.V.Biocoo*i
                                Political lleoidont in the Peroian Gulf. Buohire*
                  AT tor Compliments*
                                   I havo the honour to acknowlodgo rocoipt of you:
                  lottor dated the 28th F0buratu 1931.correoponding the 10th Shval
                  13491 and underotood all that Your Honour had mentioned thorein,
                  spoolally tho fact that your vioit to Bahrain woo of a short
                  duration. 1 truot you will vieit Bahrain again and that I shall

                  have tho pleaouro of pooing thero again. Your Honour mentioned
                  further that you had then in mind to hold certain converoation
                  with mcjbut boing unuble to do oo at that time you mentioned the

                  subjoctraatter in your lottor under reforonce.
                                 1 had tho ploaDuro of underotending Your Honour*8
                  feelings in exproBBing your viow and informing me of the prooent
                   etate of affaire and tho deficiency which hno taken plaae in the
                   revenuee of all otatoo,great and 8mall|Ond that on this aooount
                   a ro trenolunent should tako place in ray,nRinoly tho Bahrain
                   Government's,budgets and that/allowance of tho al-Khalifah I should
                  jbo reduced by ten per cent with offoct from the month of Mphkrram
                  'ao prlceo for eatablee have already como down,but that, the
                   allowance for spoolul duty can remain unfcachod by this reduction*
                                I,your friond,havo not the least opposition or
                   protest to make in regard to arrangomonts which your Honour approTto
                   to be enforced thought I/seo in it something which may touoh the
                   feelings of the al-Khulifah,yot under the presont circumstance and
                   the financial crisis which/befallen all countriesl those expenses
                   which are unnecessary should botfin order. I truot howovor,that in
                   the futuro clroumstancee will be eased from crises*
                                This is what was to be said and I continue to bo
                   grateful for your efforts and in conclusion 1 roqueot you to aooopt
                   my most difatinguishod considerstion^and may you oontinuo to be

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