Page 227 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 227

State finances, 1928-1932                529

                                        measures are t.eJ<fsn to reduce the
         ,     m             j
                                        expenditure the suine thing will occur next             :
                 cJ^ \jy IjJ \ jJ*j>
                                        year.  It Is clear thut this ntute of
                                        affairs cannot continue indefinitely and
                                        that unless prompt stops are taken the
           <£±'              ^     ^
         *\}p l» uic>^ J^cScr^#         present excellent order and administration
                                        will certainly cuffor.  It is not only in
                                        Bahrain that the noceouity for the reduction
                                        of the expenditure has arisen,   Statoe
         &f- jfi                        all over t:.»; world, great and small, and              !
                                        other states in the Perulun Gulf are aloo
         '{A> •£**   I (3 j    *j>j^
                                        being compelled to revise their budgets.
          HA ^1X<3           ^ jJ%Aj i           Y/hon 1 wao In Bahrain a year»\2jo
                                        T expressed Mr; view to Your Excellency
 I        ^°c^j U^A>^ J j^J ^ LaU JiT   that the allowances of the ruling family
                      •       «   w     should In no circumstances exceed five
                                        lakhs per annum,   This statement was made
                                        on the assumption that the normal revenue
          t^v £jGUj^X^cj^C<£1^>
                                        of the stal e would be' about 10 lakhs, and
                                        the allowances would therefore amount to
          ^ XKt'^Jpij Lx>gj 'ybj ^
                                        50t of the income.  This is a very large
                                        nmo-unt, higher than in any other country,
                       O         V^1-
                                        I believe.  If however the revenue falls,
          % Jl diW-K^J^ tV^             then the allowanced of the ruling family
                                        will considerably exceed 30#, and in such
                                        circumstances it seems to inc essential
                                        that they should be reduced,   I would
                                        therefore suggest that a reduction of 10#
           *S*»*\>t -c?Jr \J^ ^         should be mads in all the allowances of
              , /
           ,. Afc>- . ,        ...   •                             the ...
           06. Jf^^vA.Vp v^l>j *yo^*
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