Page 224 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 224
526 Records of Bahrain
HO. of 1931.
British Residency & Oonsulato-Qonoral.
BuBhlre, the ll K\ % July 1931.
The Hon’ble Major T. 0. V* Towle*
Offg. Political Keoldent Id tho Porslaa Oulf.
The Foreign 3oorotary to tho Oovornmoat of India,
I have the honour to forward, herewith; the
1. Letter llo .0/76 of 30th June 1931 from corres
fron tho Political Agont, Bahrein.
2. Report of the Bahrein State for 1930 pondence
togother with new Budgot for 1931 hy
Kr.O.D.Belgruve, Financial Aaolatant noted In
to tho Bahrein state.
the margin.
2. As w&b foreshadowed la my letter Ho. ,68-T,
dated 16th Novemboi)^1930 has Been a had year for Bahrein,
and the year'o working showed a deficit which made It
necessary to draw on savings Invested In Bombay to tho
extont of & 1,70,000.
3. ' It will ho no tod that tho Political Agent
(paragraph 2 of his letter) Is of opinion that the present
budget will not balanoo and that tho your will see a
further roduotlon in tho state reserves of at loast ono
lakh. With rogard to theoe forecasts wo oun only wait and
see if thoy are fulfilled. Tho Plnunolal Assistant is of
opinion that tho budgot will hulanoo.
4. The flnanoos of tho state would at any rato soern
to he on a fairly sound basis. There Is a Stato Rosorve
Fund of 1& 3,00,000 uad the hulaaoe of savlngo lnvostod In