Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 226
528 Records of Bahrain
No. tJ-(o of 1931.
no . . British Residency «r< Conuulnte-Ocnoral,
uT^iAJ 0\ c3
TJushire, the February 1931.
i T«
Hlo Bxoollonay
i -
Shaikh imnad bln Ida Al-Khalifah- •
C.S.I «• • ■
• 9
Doputy Ruler of Bahrain*,
3 h h r « 1 *1,
l«jc^i1 f1 1 complimenln#
I trust Your Excellency lo
enjoytug good health and that all is well
. c/j-j i Jo 1 fSJL^
v/1 *h you.
1 greatly enjoyed n\y visit to
¥ Bahrain and the pleasuve of oeelng Your
Excellency again, Unfortunately the visit
^ X cfj tj c/ '-nf •van short and I had not time to discuss
Cully with Your Excellency certain matters
j^jroL* that were in my mind and I wn therefovo
this letter nnu sending it through
Captain Prior,
Your Excellency will remember
that in the course of our conversation I
j v Qm^.XZaSo impressed upon you the necessity for etrlot
economy in the administration of the state
-JA et the present time. As in almost every
country in the world Bahrain ie going
through an economic oriels and I under-
stand that during this year the expenditure
1:js^; ”~
hus exceeded the income. Unless drastlo
* w
*fiol meaourco • • •
C J.U 1