Page 246 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 246

548                      Records of Bahrain

                                   No. C/$i/ of the 29th Jhno   1929
                                 Tho Polltloal Agency, Bahrein.

                                Captain C.G.Prior, I.A.
                                    Polltloal Agont, Bahrein.

                                The Soorotary to the Uon'ble tho
                                                                Political Rooidont
                                    in tho Poroion Gulf, Buoliiro.

                                 I have tho honour to
                                                      refer to your lottor No. I98-S datod
                            tho 5th Juno 1929,
                                              forwarding letter No. F-I64-N/29 dated the
                            20/5/29 from tho Govornmont
                                                       of India, aoking for my considered
                                   ao t0 how far it is possible  to rotraoo tho stops taken
                           Bince the
                                     xax reforms commencod, and to submit the following

                               2. For convenience those
                                                       otepo have been termed the'reformsj
                           but ae words that mean
                                                 one thing in the Peroian Gulf have anothej
                           2000 miles  away, I will first of all
                                                               summarise the cventB that
                           led up to than, then
                                               describe exactly what reforms were intended.
                           how far they have been
                                                 oarried out, and how far it is practical •
                           or politlomto
                                        go baok on them, suoh a retrogression being consi­
                           dered in the light*
                                                 its reuotion upon petty Arab rulers in
                           the Porsian Gulf.
                               3.  In I9o4  as the result of  an outrage on Messrs Wonokhaus

                           followed by on attaok on Persians,
                                                            strong action was taken by
                           tho Polltloal Resident,
                                                 and Major Cox, as ho then was, warned
                           the Shaikh with the
                                              authority of the Government of India that
                           furthor negleot
                                          of his advioo would not be toloratod by tho Bri^
                           tish Government,
                                            This consolidated our position in Bahrein and'
                          improvement in trado
                                              rooultod, but tho situation remained unoftty
                          io factory, and remodies  wero raootod.  His Majesty's Government
                          decided howover *  to pursue  a cautious polioy "
 II                           4. In I$09,  " Amelioration was to be oought by indirect and

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