Page 278 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 278
580 Records of Bahrain
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ure approoiuted. In tlmo the good works und tho tyranny
from which tho British rescued Bahrain und eopaolally tho
Shiah Dahnrunah will bo forgot ten, and only the privileged
position of tho British occupying tho chief pooto will be
To avoid tlw odium which would fall on Britain
in ooureo of time^ from thio cause it iB noaenoary to oduoate
nativoo of Buhruin to taka thu plaoo of tho British
9. Captain Prior, Political Agont at Hahrikln, thinico
that u uooful undorotudy for Ur do Gronior offoro in
Abdulla bin Shuikh Ibrahim A1 Khalifa — at present a third*
year otudent at l)ie Araoriaan l/nivoroity in Beirut* Ho has
industry but unfortunately no grout uptitudo for arithmetic*
Captain Prior thinks, however, that uhon lie hao completed
hie couruu at Beirut ho might be uent to India for training
in the Cuutome Department at Bombay or Karachi, before being
appointed to the Bahrain Customs with a view eventually to
taking ovor charge.
I conuidcr Captain Prior*s propoeal very sound
and recommend it for adoption. If Abdulla bin Ghuikh
Ibrahim's indifforont aritliroetio io a bar to tho efficient
performance of hie duties, pne of hlo younger oouslns —
Shaikh IQialifa bin Ohaikh Mahomed or Shaikh Hamad bin Shaikh
Abdulla, nephews of tho present Deputy Tluler, — who ors
firBt-year otudento at Beirut, might later be soleotsd for
10. Thoro remains the quest ion of a successor to tht J
Adviser. Although Government do not appear to desirs ths
immediate removal of Ur Belgravo, tliio question must bs oon-
tthalkh Hamad, tho Deputy Bulor, is on a»isW*
nonentity* Captain Prior in alluding to hlo weakness and •
tho lmpoooibility of allowing him to stand on his 0*H fsst
has stated truly} "ho long os ho oun enjoy the pleasures of