Page 290 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 290

592                        Records of Bahrain

                          LJO/iW.             (146 groups)            6068,

                                COPY OF TELEGRAM.

            OPIBS                   Viceroy, Foreign & Politioal Dept  O I
                                    to Seoretary of State for India.
                          Dated    New Delhi, 26th November, 1929*
                          Reoeived 10 a,m  • 9  26th November, 1929„

                          3458-S.  SECOND PART.

                                   At the same time he is equally right in saying"^
            V!            that in time conditions from whioh British rescued
              ■ pus tty
                         Bahrein will be forgotten, and odium will fall  on us
                         for occupying a position so privileged and predominant*.
 I                       Outside Bahrein Barrett feels that its administration is
                         now the admiration of the Gulf„     This seems to be open
                     Cl to question, for there have been signs of Arab
                         uneasiness, not merely on the Trucial Coast but in
  :                      Koweit, over the object lesson afforded by Bahrein of
  :                      the rapid attenuation of the Arab spirit and form of
                         Government* once our powerful influence is admitted.?
                         Sheikh Hamad’s encouragement of Bin Saud's intercessions

                         on behalf of Bahrein tribesmen, whom he himself had been
                        forced to expel under pressure from us and whom Arab
                        public opinion demanded   that he should receive back in
                        the customary way after   the oustomary formalities had
                                                       forwarded under Foreign
                        been fulfilled, (vide papers
                        Secretary's letter   dated 16th June, 1927, 47 U), !■ an
                                              Barrett's maxim that it is better
                        arresting example of
  i        •f If 4r. Mv                                 and make mistakes than
           ”!•]         that the Sheikh should govern
                        that we  should govern and make none.
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