Page 318 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 318

620                        Records of Bahrain

                                               No.                 1348
                                               Office of Jme advisor,to
                                               the Government, Bahrain.
                                               Dated, 36th R/Awol, 1348

                                                                       ° \
                                                        '      icnr* ...*\
                       To                              V
                           II. B.  ? • i  sFoliticol Agent,


                               There is shortly going to be o comolete
                        change in the administration of the Education
                               Until now the Sunni Schools have been
                        controlled by an independent committee, pre­
                        sided over by Shaikh .tbduilo bin Iso, with
                        Yousuf Fakhroo of Muharrok os Treasurer.

                               Shaikh Abdulla has now asked that the
                        Education committee should come under direct
                        Government control.   Most of the members of
                        the Committee ore p rnons with scanty educa­
                        tion, and they feel that they cannot suitubly
                        supervise the work of Education,   An ins-
                        pector of Education is shortly to be appointed
                        and the deportment will have its headquarters
                         in an office in the Government buildings.
                               The proposed alteration is a most
                         excellent one, especially as emanating from

                         the Committee themsilves.

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