Page 42 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 42

                          344                       Records of Bahrain
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                                     nati nullty, and Captain Prior hae noted nuourdinjily.
                                     The queetlon io not a nee one.    in 1987 oortuln
                                     Bahama oubaittecj^etitlon unking  to Imj allowed to
                                     return to Buhroln from <<utif, and Colonel Buftretl, the
                                     then /■*olitioal Agent, in reporting to the .rolitioul
                                     Kuaident wrote ao follomn
                                               •The ruler of huh ruin ii» precluded by troaty
                                          with Hin uojeoty'o (iovanmuut from having diroot
                                          relation with a foreign power wuoh aw the newly
                                          * h tub Hubert atuto of ilijua unci Jtejd, uurt uo he
                                          hue correctly roferred the petition for Die
                                          ordero of the Hon'ble the Politloul nuuidont.

                                                "Ao the petitionero huve been uo long
                                           ruuiaent in >*,utifv uml uonalderlng the oircuiautiuictf
                                           in which tney originally eiolgrateel .i do not oon-
                                           aicier thut they have iujy mill on shaikh lluMud'u

  r                                       protootiont even though iiomo of then imve icept
  : !•                                    up u connection with Bahrain either an trnaura or
                                          ovniero of property both in uunruin ana ut vurut
  :: i'                                    or Uutif in liejd territory.
                                                **Uy enquiries uhow that no difference of
                                           nationality lo rooogniuert between the mibjeoto of
                                           the vuriuuo shaikh* of the (;ulf area,   A man
                                           transferring hie domicile from Dubai to Abu Jdiabi
                                           for inutunee would have no further claim on the
                                           Slutikh of hubui.
                                                "X put a hypothetical oune to I’Juilkh :Ju'id

                                           bin MulctUH of Dubul uml he wulcl that the moot he
                                           would do, if a former uubjeot uuked fur hio inter­
                                           vention, would be to write u letter to the j'liulkh
                                           Of Abu Ittiubi unrt auk hin to do uoine thing 'to pleao
                                           the hHurt* of uuch and ouch portion, but Iwj would
                                           not oonuidnr hiunelf renponnible in any way nor

                                           would ho expect a favourable reply.
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