Page 37 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 37

Regional relations, 1926-1931               339
              Alooy'Binoe wo havo no capitulations in Qatif our i .vor

              intervention wo”ld have aohlevod little, though I liad
              contemplated suggesting that Ghaifch Abdullah and
              Khan Bahadur Goyyid Slddlq liaouan might ho oont over
                                                          /o’ V
              there to aoertaln Jho faeto, and it soomrf^that the
              sooner the Baharana in ^afcif woro able to come to terms
              with thoir Government the better it would be i*or thorn,
              4.     It 13 known that shortly after his return, Bin
              Gaud sent Ghalkh Hafldh to ^atif to look into matters,
              and dome 13 of the Bannrna wore suimuonou to liana.
              They arrives after Bin Jaud huu left and woro grootou
              with u letter tolling thorn that if thoy had a grievance
               they should have reported it to lilm instead of taking
              shelter with/Governments and oreiting trouble, lie also
              loft orders that thay should each have biohts givon them,
              and a reliable man whom I baa sent ovor to .tatlf happened

               to see them as thoy oamo sack with the Amir, and he said
               they seemed well satisfied with the turn events had taken
               5.     I now know that attitude towards tho Bahama has
              definitely changed,     1 had written to tj-o of
               ...alli regarding hmea bln .'ouas ( para 0 of m^ acove
               montlonevj jl otter) and huu received no roj&ly.  As tli6
              Bahrain Government, urged thereto by tho mans relatives,
               continued to prose mo for some information regarding
                      3 sont a oo;.j of mo lottur oy a special moosaenge:
               him i
               and received the Vjllowing astonishing reply,        From
               Abuur as ::uv/ai 11m, 'mlr of Hatif, dateu 13th
               .jhowal.  a. o. In reply to Your '.xoellency• u leitor
               Ho. 309 datou 21a t .Hnmadan l 20.2.30 )  regarding tho
               query about /.hmou bin Abbau al Daruzi anl his
               lra./rlsonment.  1 regret to inform Y. ,;l, that the man
               in quootion is a euojoot of my J.ord tho King whom Y. K.
               has no ooneorn to ask about, and 1 havo no authority
               to give you any information uoout him or anyone else of
               hlo kind. * u.o.
               6,       lie liau Just returned IVom seeing tho King When

               he wrote this l ft tv or,  and fee had no doubt shown
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