Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 38

340                       Records oj Bahrain
                             ohown^my fir«t letter to Bln Baud, who evidently wQrded
                             this reply, olnoo It lo quite unlike the Auilr'o uoual

                             stylo*    A second letter of friendly messages xtotramp.
                             aooompanlod It explaining that ho was sorry ho had not
                             roplled oarllor hut that he had been away*
                             7.     how that thla impasse has boon reached, It would
                             appear that the mattor should be taken pp with Bin
                              Baud by the Uosldenoy.    Thore is not the olightost
                              douut that this man ia a gonuine Bahrain subject and
                              whatever motive t..ero may bo for imprisoning him thore
                              la no eaouoo for lying about his nationality,     I
                              discussed hi3 oaso with the Amir and It was never
                              questioned for a moment that he was a Bahrain bom

                              subject.   Borne notion will have to bo taken, for the
                              case hns attracted great attention, and oven the al ,
                              khalifa Shaikhs who seldom* interest themselves in the
                              affairs of Shiahs, have spokere* warmly about the
                              injustice done t) this man. As regards the question
                              of tio floggings, 3 do not oonsldor that wo oan move
                              usefully in the matter, slnoo what has boon done has baeJ
                              coon done, ana unless the matter is raised again in
                              ari acute form it may bo allowed to drop,    The Nejd

 I]                           authorities have their reply already prepared, and
                               that 1s that the men were flogged for having taken
                              away to Bahrain arms that were given them to pro toot
  i                            thorn from the l/anaulr and other trioeo some six rnontho

                               ago, and Lt would bo difficult to disprove it.
  j                            8,    There lo 3o..;0 evidence to show that Bln Baud
                               aofceu ohaikh Hamad some question about >ho passes on
                               his way through iahLrain, ana Shaikh lloamd denied all
                             11  Knowledge of any having seen given.  I am seeing
                               Shaikh Hamad at a truffle hunt tomorrow, and while
                               informing him of tho Amir's reply, I shall raise the
                               question of tho paosoo and soe what ho has to say about
                                                                         ' X am

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