Page 58 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
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360 Records of Bahrain
(T 3758/160/370). BRITISH LEGATION,
No.47. JED DA.
February 5th, 1931.
With reference to your despatoh No.414 (T 8543/
3957/378) of Ootober 30th, I have the honour to stato that
when Sheikh Yussuf Yasin came here the other day with the
Minister for Foreign Affairs he expressed a wish to discuss
with me informally the question of the Hejaz Nationality
Law. I explained that I was not fully instructed on the
subject but I did not feel that I could safely shrink from
the discussion, in view of the length of time which had
elapsed since I myself reopened the question last June and
the anxiety of the Hejazi Government to got on with the
I promulgation of the new Law. I therefore agreed to go into
: the matter with Sheikh Yussuf Yasin on February 4th. I
regret that I was compelled to anticipate your instructions
on one important point, namely whether I should usk him to
; define the territories in which the law would operate, I had
gathered from conversations at home that there could be no
strong objeotion to ray doing this.
3. It hod become evident to me in the course of
various conversations that I could not hope to put into
application the procedure contemplated by your predecessor
in 1937, namely that draft notes should be prepared in
agreement with the Hejazi Government and should be submitted
' :
1 for the approval of His Majesty's Government. It was
clear than Ibn Sa'ud v/as anxious to meet His Majesty's
Government as regards the principal points raised in the
memorandum enolosed in Mr.Stonehewer Bird's despatch No*103
of June 39th, 1938, but was equally anxious to maintain the
His Majesty's Prinoipal Secretary prinoiple/
of State for Foreign Affairs.
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