Page 232 - DILMUN NO 20
P. 232

aar an its Extrna Rations:

It ay b a that th otif of para wavy ins ting straight ins at

a right ang (Fig. 3.1, 3.2), which is spciay coon at Lothal B (23), is a

coparativy frqunt occurrnc at Arabian sits, aso bing foun at

aaa'at a-Bahrain, Faiaka an Kaba (24). wo of th xaps fro aaa'at

a-Bahrain can b assign to City Ib an Ic rspctivy, rf‫ا‬cting th

istribution of nus-rat  pottry at aar within Prios 2 an 3. hr

ay b a particuar association btwn th ary 2n inniu           Guf

traing syst an vsss baring this coration.

akn as a who, aar's nus-rat         assbag is a highy spcializ

on, aost ntiry consisting of arg storag jars. Othr charactrisitc Lat

orath Harappan typs ar absnt, such as paint bows, stu-han

bows an ishs-on-stan. It is prsnty unknown whthr th jars ar

its of tra in thir own right, or wr purchas for thir contnts. h

forr is a possibiity, givn th ack of a nativ traition of arg nck

storag jars within th aar Prio 1-3 assblag.

outhast Arabian Matria (Fig. 4; ab 2)

A fw vsss at aar originat fro outhast Arabia. soat shrs of 3r

inniu U an-Nar pottry ar foun in th p tp souning (25).

Fro th 2n inniu         vs, two ris of Wai uq pottry wr foun (F; .

4.1,4.2). On can b rat to Prio 4, Both ar wh-a,  in a sof‫ا‬, pa

brown fabric with a gry cor an iu-  fin vgta tpr. h first (Fig.

4.1) has a thin r-brown sip, whi th scon (Fig. 4.2) has ro

surfacs, but bars tracs of black paint. A١١ ths charactristics ar typicla

of Wai uq prio pottry of th first haf of th 2n inniu.      Goo

coparisons ar also avaiab for thir shap. h forr has goo paras

at Abraq (26), an th attr can b vsss fro          Abraq

an Kaba (27).
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