Page 234 - DILMUN NO 20
P. 234

aar an its Extrna Rations:

port pottry at aar

h craics fro aar wr sap  as foows: a or nary a th

xcavat pottry fro four houss (Houss 51, 53, 205 an 207) was

rcor an anays. Aitiona,y a arg aount of pottry fro ranoy

sct contxts was rcor, proviing significant quantitis fro svn

furthr houss; tssr quantitis of atria wr sap     fro vn

othrs. Ouantification is bas on Ri EVE asurnts   (12).

Lat Harappan Matria (Figs. 1-3: ab 1)

Lat Harappan atria is th coonst varity of iport pottry at aar,

though its prsnc was not not in a prvious anaysis of th aar

assbag  (13). It occurs in Prios 2 (coprising 0.23% of that

assbag) an 3 (0.2%), an is quantitativy absnt fro Prio 4, though

a hanfu of boy shrs ar associat with that phas.

h attributs of th iustrat vsss (Figs. 1, 2, 3) ar givn in ab 1,
aong with thir ost apt paras. Not a th iustrat vsss occurr in
th quantifi sap, an ths cannot thrfor b assign to a aar
pottry prio. Aost al hav thir bst coparisons with Lat orath
Harappan pottry fro aurashtra, Gujarat. h orah Harappan facis is
rat to th stanar Harappan assbag of inh, fro which it is
istinguish by iffrncs in anufactur, a or iit fora rang,
or frqunt us of sips, an sipr, an or rigi coration with fwr
naturaistic otifs (14). h aar pottry corrspons to atria associat
with th atr phass of th orath Harappan, with th bst paras fro
Roji Phas C (2000-1700 BC), Lotha Phas B (2000-1800 BC), an various
aurashtran sits contporary with Rangpur Prio ١١ B-C (1900-1500 BC).
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