Page 233 - DILMUN NO 20
P. 233
aar an its Etrna Rations:
AI xaps ar wh-a, an so show signs of having bn a in
sctions an thn join. h fabrics ar har, fin an r or rish brown,
an a fw hav grit incusions. Paint coration surقivs on svral
xaps (Fig. ١٠;١ Fig. 1.2; iFg. 2.2; Fig. 3), an th gnray ro
surfacs aow th possibiity that or or a ay hav bn corat. A١١
hav sips or tracs throf, gnray r or r-brown in coour; th
surfacs of th bttr prsv xaps appar to hav bn poish.
his is copatib with th orath Harappan assbag, in which aost a
vsss ar sipp, unik stanar Harappan pottry (15)
h bst coparisons ar btwn th two ost copt vsss (Fig. )ﺍ
an jars fro th "Larg quar Buiing" at Roji, Prio C (16), which
provi xcnt paras in ri for, ovra shap an aspcts of
coration. for xap th unsipp pan on th shour, with curق
in coration (Fig. 1.2) (17). A١١ of th othr aar ris can b riaby
copar to Lat orath Harappan jars fro Roji C an Lotha B, or to
vsss coct by Possh (1980) on his suvy of aurashtran sits,
which h copar to Rangpur ١١ B-C atria. On ri (Fig. 2.7) is fro a
uch sar vss, an has an uncharactristic purpish sip. Athough
thr ar goo orath Harappan coparana, this 3 ay aso rat to th
northrly Lat Harappan copxs, for instanc having paras with Jhukar
atria fro Chanhu Daro (18).
h sa pattrn is vint in th corat boy shrs, ١A١ ar copatib
with th Lat orath Harappan, but thr ar a fw suggstions of contact
with th Lat Harappan counitis of th nus va,y h ncos jnt
pattrn (Fig. 3.5) is coon on Jhukar shrs fro Chanhu-Daro, an on
shrs fro Mohnjo-Daro, Lat Phas B (19) though it is aso foun at
Lotha B (20). h or copx cobination of otifs on Fig 3.4 has a
broa para; with a Jhukar shr fro Chanhu-Daro (21), though thr ar
aso arir paras with aspcts of coration fro Lotha A (22).