Page 233 - DILMUN NO 20
P. 233

aar an its Etrna Rations:


AI xaps ar wh-a,  an so show signs of having bn a in

sctions an thn join. h fabrics ar har, fin an r or rish brown,

an a fw hav grit incusions. Paint coration sur‫ق‬ivs on svral

xaps (Fig. ١٠;١ Fig. 1.2; iFg. 2.2; Fig. 3), an th gnray ro

surfacs aow th possibiity that or or a ay hav bn corat. A١١

hav sips or tracs throf, gnray r or r-brown in coour; th

surfacs of th bttr prsv xaps appar to hav bn poish.

his is copatib with th orath Harappan assbag, in which aost a

vsss ar sipp, unik stanar Harappan pottry (15)

h bst coparisons ar btwn th two ost copt vsss (Fig. )‫ﺍ‬

an jars fro th "Larg quar Buiing" at Roji, Prio C (16), which

provi xcnt  paras in ri for, ovra shap an aspcts of

coration.   for xap th unsipp pan on th shour, with cur‫ق‬

in coration (Fig. 1.2) (17). A١١ of th othr aar ris can b riaby

copar to Lat orath Harappan jars fro Roji C an Lotha B, or to

vsss coct by Possh (1980) on his suvy of aurashtran sits,

which h copar to Rangpur ١١ B-C atria. On ri (Fig. 2.7) is fro a

uch sar vss, an has an uncharactristic purpish sip. Athough

thr ar goo orath Harappan coparana, this 3 ay aso rat to th

northrly Lat Harappan copxs, for instanc having paras with Jhukar

atria fro Chanhu Daro (18).

h sa pattrn is vint in th corat boy shrs, ١A١ ar copatib
with th Lat orath Harappan, but thr ar a fw suggstions of contact
with th Lat Harappan counitis of th nus va,y h ncos jnt
pattrn (Fig. 3.5) is coon on Jhukar shrs fro Chanhu-Daro, an on
shrs fro Mohnjo-Daro, Lat Phas B (19) though it is aso foun at
Lotha B (20). h or copx cobination of otifs on Fig 3.4 has a
broa para; with a Jhukar shr fro Chanhu-Daro (21), though thr ar
aso arir paras with aspcts of coration fro Lotha A (22).
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