Page 307 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 307
(a) Governor.—His Excellency the Derya Begi was Governor from the Bushire,
beginning of the year, till October when he was replaced by Moazziz-ed- pJJXJ” ,u
Dowleh, brother of Asaf-ed-Dowleh, the new incapable Governor-General officials,
of Shiraz. The former is quite as inefficient as the latter, and since he has
been at Bushire he has not made the least attempt to govern. In fact in
November, a month after his arrival, he left for Charbar where he remained
till the end of the year. In spite of the absence of the Governor, however,
Bushire remained tranquil. Settlement of commercial and other cases was,
however, naturally somewhat difficult in the absence of any executive.
(b) Karguzar.—At the beginning of the year, Mavakker-ed-Dowleh
nominally held the post of Karguzar. He however remained absent at
Shiraz, his brother Masud-es-Sultaneh acting for him. The latter left for
Europe in June and his successor Itila-ed-Dowleh had not arrived by the end
of the year.
(c) Customs.—There were several changes in the personnel of the
Customs Department. At the beginning of the year, M. Leleux arrived as
Inspector-General. He, however, decided to make his head-quarters at
Mohammerah, and M. Constant, who had been acting Director, became
Director ad interim till May when he went on leave; after a short time,
during which M. Zwinne acted, M. Stas arrived from Mohammerah and took
charge. M. Stas held charge till the end of the year, but just after the close
of it handed over to M. Zwinne who is now de facto Director.
Monsieur Miller, who had been acting Russian Consul-General for more Foreign
than two years, left for Europe on furlough in November 1908, being re Consuls.
placed by Monsieur Kadloubowsky who had previously been a student inter
preter at Resht.
Dr. J. A. Bussiere, doctor to the French and Russian Consulates and in
medical charge of the Customs Department, left on furlough after five years’
service in Bushire. He is not expected to return. His prospective successor,
Dr. Combicr, had not arrived at the end of the year.
In spite of the disturbed state of the country, the imports during the Commerce,
nine months under review, owing no doubt to the arrival of goods ordered a
long time back, remained almost normal. The settlement of commercial
cases has been getting increasingly difficult and bankruptcies, fraudulent and
otherwise, arc of frequent occurrence as the result of the present adminis-
'trative chaos. In fact it is seldom safe to press a creditor as he at onoo
declares himself bankrupt.
(a) Russian Line.—This Company has not been doing.much business. Foreign
There have been constant reports that its service to the Gulf is shortly to be competition,
suspended; considering the amount of business done it is a wonder that this
course was not adopted long ago. It is understood, however, that under its
contract with the Russian Government it has to continue its sailings for 18
months longer.
(b) German Trade.—The Hamburg Amcrika Line has persevered
actively throughout the year with its sailings to the Gulf, the approximate
value of imports and exports during the second year of its operations here
(September 1907 to September 1908) being £57,509 as compared with £60,794
for the first year. It seems however that the Company must be working at a
loss as I-Icrr Ballin, the Managing Director, has recently approached the
various British Lines with a view to the formation of a combination. This