Page 310 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 310
In April the First Assistant made a trip to Abu Musa, Lingah and
other places on behalf of the Resident to supervise the loading of oxide by
the S-S. Louise.
Mr. Altera. In December Mr. Charles Akers, who had been deputed by the Board of
Trade to enquire into the question of sample rooms and other forms of
assistance to British Trade, arrived in the Gulf, lie visited Bunder Abbas,
Lingah, Debai, Bahrein and Bushirc and afterwards Mohammerah, Basrah
and Bagdad, proceeding from the latter place to Tehran via Kermanshah.
Viaitora. There have not been many visitors this year which is fortunate consider
ing the state of the country. The Residency has done its best to discourage
persons desiring to travel for pleasure.
Rainfall The rainfall was not good in the cold weather of 1907-1908. Conse-
quently the crops were bad and prices of food stuffs ruled very high during
tne year.
Tables A and B annexed give the meteorological statistics for the period
under review.
P. Z. COX, Major,
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.