Page 308 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 308
overture has so far failed, but at the end of tho year Herr Ballin had not
apparently given up all hope of effecting it.
(c) Messrs. R. Wonckhaus ct* Co.—The activities of this firm, who arc
agents of the Hamburg Amcrika Line at all the ports of steamer call in tho
Persian Gulf, have been chiefly confined to Mr. Brown, the Manager'at Lin-
gah. This gentleman resents the attempts of Messrs. Gray Paul & Co. to
compete at Lingah and more than one acrimonious dispute has arisen between
him and Messrs. Gray Paul’s representative.
Oxide- (a) Abu Musa.—In April last, with the approval of His Majesty’s Gov
ernment, Messrs. Wonckhaus & Co. removed 1,810 tons in the S.S. Louise.
It has been decided that about 400 tons remaining on the beach and a consi
derable quantity of accumulated oxide heaped at the mouth of the pit shall
be considered at the disposal of the firm; but so far Messrs. Wonckhaus & Co.
have made no attempt to remove this; and it is reported that they have had
difficulty in disposing of their last shipment above mentioned.
(b) Hormuz.—In September it was rumoured that the Shah proposed to
cancel the Moin-ut-Tujjar’s concession for Hormuz oxide, and considerable
correspondence ensued, as Messrs. Strick desired to bid for the concession if
the Moin’s lease were cancelled. It was believed also that the German firm
was trying to obtain the concession. Finally, however, after payment of a
considerable sum by the Moin, his lease was re-affirmed. After this it seems
that the Moin offered impossible conditions for the sale and export of the
oxide, which Messrs. Strick, who had hitherto handled it, could not accept.
They eventually withdrew from negotiations and the Moin has since entered
into an arrangement with another British firm, Messrs. Andrew Weir & Co.,
for shipping the mineral.
(c) Other Islands.—Messrs. Strick & Co. having thus dropped out of the
Hormuz trade applied in October last to His Majesty’s Government for
assistance in obtaining a concession for mining on various other islands,
negotiations in regard to which are still in progress.
Quarantine. The German Consulate has recently assumed the role of captious critic
of the quarantine regime conducted by us for the Persian Government. Con
siderable correspondence took place in August, September and October 1908
between His Majesty’s Legation and the German Legation in regard to a
detail of the regulations owing to the representations or misrepresentations
of Dr. Listemann. The question arose through Mr. Krumpeter, Manager for
Messrs. Wonckhaus & Co. at Bushirc, visiting a Hamburg Amerika Line ship
which had gone aground outside the harbour, before the Health Officers
visit. On receiving an intimation that this was contrary to rule Dr.
Listemann entered into a long correspondence dragging in the long past event
of the “Savoia”, etc. (vide report for 1907-1908). The matter was of no
consequence itself and Dr. Listemann was shown to be quite in the wrong;
but the incident is an indication of the direction of the prevailing wind.
The general health of Busliire has been good during the period under
review and there have been no epidemics in the Gulf.
Captain Williams, Residency and Chief Quarantine Medical Officer in
the Gulf, went on three months’ privilege leave in August and Captain White,
Mobile Assistant, acted for him.
A report on Sanitary matters by the Residency Surgeon is attached.
V|«it of Ilia His Excellency Commodore Sir George Warrender arrived at
Excellency the Rush ire *n hm.S. Hyacinth, flagship, on the 24th April. His Excellency
mtoder-inT paid a visit to the Derya Begi on the 26th and the latter returned the call at
chiof* the Subzabad Residency the same day. His Excellency left on the 2Gth
MoTemenuof Frequent visits were made to Bushire by H.M.S. Lapwing and H.M.S.
Hj«Msjeitjr*« Redbreast. The flagship came in April, while H.M.S. Perseus visited the
* P* port in November and again in December.
Pi:abir«. Except during the rule of the Zil-es-Sultan (April to July) the condi-
shiras Road. 0f the road has been very bad. Posts have been looted time after time