Page 368 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 368
Including tuf. District of Biyaran, Jask, Gaiii, Dasiityari and Baiiu.
[For approximate boundaries of these Divisions sco Administration Report of
fii/aban. In the early part of the year there were dissensions between Mir Haji
and Mir Barkat-bin Abdul Nabi regarding the chieftainship of the district.
Eventually matters were amicably arranged, Mir Barkat established himself
as chief and a small piece of country in the north of the district was assigned
to Mir Haji where he is said to be living contentedly.
Mir Barkat has imported many rifles on his own account and by reason
of this and also of the comparative wealth he has acquired by assisting
Afghans in the arms traffic, he has become one of the most powerful chiefs
in Persian Mekran. He has again during this year given active assistance to
the Afghans engaged in the arms traffic.
Jaalc Diatriot. There have been no disturbances during the year. The chiefs remain, as
before, Mir Mustapha Khan-bin Abdul Nabi and Mir Hoti-bin Mir Ali.
There is little of importance to relate but it appears that Mir Mustapha
Khan has joined his brother, Mir Barkat, in assisting Afghans engaged in
the arms traffic.
Slave trade.—No reports of traffic in slaves in this district have been
received during the year.
Rainfall and products.—The rainfall has been inadequate. Although
fair rain fell in January and February 1909, it was too late to benefit the
principal crops (barley and dates).
Gath Diatriot. General.—Sardar Syed Khan continues to be the chief of the district.
No disturbances occurred during the year, but the condition of the district
shows no improvement. Early in the summer of 1908 Syed Khan is said to
have entered into an agreement with Mir Bahrain Khan of Dizak to make a
joint attack on Bampur. Later however Syed Khan withdrew and Bahrain
Khan made the attack himself. The Governor of Bampur fled to
Kerman and Bahram Khan is said to have gained possession of the whole
town with the exception of a fort which the Persian troops effectively held,
but in November 1908 when Wali Khan, the new Governor of Bampur,
arrived a settlement was made and Bahram Khan was induced to withdraw.
The cause of this attack on Bampur is attributed to the prevalent belief
that the Shah had been dethroned.
The Governor of Bushire came to Charbar on the 1st December 1908,
for the purpose of settling difficulties in connection with Customs affairs with
Syed Khan and the Dashtyari chiefs but up to the close of this report, the
chiefs concerned had disregarded the orders of the Governor to come to
Charbar to meet him.
Sub-districts.—The sub-districts under Gaili call for no remarks.
Slave traffic.—Three cases of slave traffic, involving 11 persons, were
reported during the year.
Products.—Rainfall was good throughout the districts and it is antici
pated that rice, barley, jowari and cotton will do well. The date crop will
probably not be so good.
I>A‘lityari This district remains as before under the joint control of Haji Mir
Di»triot. Mahmud Khan and his nephew, Mir Din Muhammad. During the year
they have become somewhat estranged, partly on account of money matters
and partly owing to Mir Din Muhammad's friendship with Mir Nawab Khan
of Bahu, between whom and Mir Mahmud Khan there is bitter enmity, the