Page 372 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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                     October the line was extended to Bait-el-Watayah.
                         On December 15th, as the result of  a quarrel, a local Arab brought a
                     complaint against three of His llighncss’s Turkish guards. Saiyid Taimur
                     the eldest son of His Highness, found that the Turks were to blame and
                     ordered their confinement in the fort. They refused to submit and were
                     joined by their comrades. Saiyid Taimur then sent some Arab askaris to
                     fetch them and gave instructions that fire was to be opened on the Turks if
                     they refused to come. As the askaris approached them one of the Turkish
                     soldiers fired in the air, and the Arabs in return fired into them and killed one
                     and wounded another. The Turks then went before His Highness who took
                     away their rifles and dismissed them all from his service.
                         The men were subsequently despatched to Basrah by His Highness on
                     December 21st.
                         The As Siabiyim— On April 1st, the Sultan’s second son Saiyid Nadir
                     was deputed by His Highness to Semayil in order to prevent the construction
                     of a fort by the Siabiyin between Bidbid and Nafali. Saiyid Nadir seized
                     and imprisoned three influential men of the Siabiyin and compelled the tribe
                     to raze the fort.
                         In consequence of the threatening attitude of the Siabiyin, His Highness
                     the Sultan on June 10th sent Muhammad-bin-Bedr with 12 Turkish soldiers
                     of his bodyguard to protect Sib. He returned on June 14th, however, as his
                     force was too small to be of use.
                         The Bani Ruwahah.—In the month of April, desultory hostilities were
                     carried on between the Bani Riyam and the Bani Ruwahah, near Zikki. In
                     May the Wali of Zikki reported that 14 men of the Bani Ruwahah had been
                     ambuscaded by the Bani Raiyam and that they had lost 9 men killed and five
                    wounded. On May 14th the Bani Ruwahah revenged themselves by attacking
                     the Bani Riyam at Mati and killing eight and looting a great deal of
                        On May 19th, there was further fighting, and on May 31st, the Bani
                    Riyam made an attack in force on the Bani Ruwahah at Ghubre ( y.y ) but
                    were repulsed with the loss of 27 men killed. Further fighting ensued at
                    intervals with losses on both sides, but at the end of August it was reported
                    that the dispute had been settled.
                        On August 8th, His Highness received news that the Bani Ruwahah had
                    captured the fort of Sijah from the Bani Jabir. His Highness sent his
                    son Saiyid Nadir to Semayil with 60 bags of rice and 6,000 cartridges.
                    The dispute was settled at the end of August, and Saiyid Nadir placed 30
                    of his men in the fort of Sijah to keep the peace. The total casualties
                    during the feud were 34, and 10,000 date trees were destroyed. Saiyid
                    Nadir returned to Maskat on September 23rd and a salute of 11 guns  was
                    fired in his honour.
                        Sur.—In April, the head of the Bani Bu Ali tribe, Sheikh Abdullah-
                   bin-Salim, came down to Sur. He refused to receive a present of 300 dollars
                   sent to him by the Sultan and returned to Jaalan apparently in a huff.
                   Later in August Abdullah-bin-Salim again arrived in Sur with 150 men.
                   About this time the Sultan received two letters from the Sheikhs at Sur,
                   stating that they intended to levy a 5 per cent, tax from traders to compen­
                   sate themselves for the trouble of settling cases. The Sultan replied object­
                   ing strongly to the proposal.
                       The Sultan sent Abdullah-bin-Salim a present of 200 dollars, six bags
                   rice and ammunition in addition to his subsidy of 300 dollars due for three
                   months, in order to prevent him from stirring the troubled waters at Sur. In
                   September a settlement was arrived at through the medium of an agent
                   whom His Highness despatched to Sur, and Abdullah-bin-Salim returned
                       On December 4th, the Wali of Sur reported to His Highness that 30
                   men  of the Bani Rahsib of Jaalan had attacked Sur and had been repulsed
                   with a loss of two men.
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