Page 373 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 373

                Gwadur.—His Highness the Sultan sent Suleiman bin Abdur Rahim,
            Jemadar of the Jalali fort, to Gwadur on June 17th, in order to enquire into
            a robbery which had occurred in the house of the British Native Assistant,
            and the perpetrator of which had not been traced by the Wali. The Jemadar
            settled the matter and returned to Maskat on July Gth.
                Sohar.—On July 23rd, His Highness the Sultan sent his son Saiyid
            Taimur to Sohar in order to settle disputes between the Bani Qab and the
            Walis of Sohar and Shinas. Saiyid Taimur returned on September 5th
            after successfully arranging matters. His Highness and Saiyid Muham-
            mad-bin-Turki went out to Matrah to meet Saiyid Taimur and a salute of
            13 guns was fired in his honour.
                Dhofar.—Abcndin Casimali, the Indian, has been Wali of Dhofar
            throughout the nine months under review. An unsuccessful attempt was
            made on the life of the Wali by 30 Sidi soldiers of the garrison on account of
            some dispute regarding pay.
                The “ Nur-ul-Bahar ” paid a visit to Dhofar in October 1908. She left
            Maskat on the 11th October with the predecessor of the present Wali, Bakhit
            Nabi, and the Wali of Merbat on board. She returned to Maskat on the
            27th October 1908 bringing as prisoners seven Sidis who had made a murder­
            ous assault on three of His Highness’s askaris.
                A report reached the Political Agent that on the 16th October 1908 a
            dhow left for Dhofar with 200 rifles and the usual quantity of ammunition
            on board.
                The Sultan’s customs remained under the same management as during custom*
            the previous year. Various complaints were as usual received from merchants
            of the unsystematic methods obtaining and of the inefficiency of the stall
                His Highness’s finances are now completely rehabilitated owing to thesuitan’*
            steadily increasing inflow from the imposts on the arms traffic. His High-   Finance*.
            uess still takes advances, however, on occasion from merchants and notably
            from Monsieur Goguycr in anticipation of future customs payments.
                The Vazir of the Sheikh of Debai arrived on April 8th on a visit to  Saltan'*
            the Sultan and left on April 14th.                                  External
                On April 14th, Mirza Abdul Kasim, a Russian spy from Bushirc, arrived
            in Maskat and had an interview with His Highness.
                On May 14th, the Secretary of State intimated that the Sultan of
            Zanzibar had expressed a wish to visit the Sultan of Maskat in July. Later
            it was announced that the idea had been abandoned and that the Sultan
            proposed to visit Europe direct.
                On May 20th, a servant of the Sardar Arfa of Mohammerah arrived
            bringing a present of two horses, a jewelled sword and a tent, irom the
            Sardar for His Highness the Sultan.
                On May 25th, the Sultan received a present of a lion from Zanzibar.
                On November 4th, the Sheikh of Abu Thabi and his two sons arrived
            in Maskat on a visit to the Sultan.
                On November 30th, Sharif Sad-ud-Din Pasha arrived from Constanti­
            nople on his way to Basrah and stayed a week with His Highness the Sultan.
                On December 23rd, His Highness received a present of a horse from
            Sheikh Isa bin Ali, Chief of Bahrein.
                The trade of Maskat will be dealt with in a separate report. It hasTr»d«*«<i
            presented no unusual features during the year under report.         Currency.
                On March 29th, the Resident submitted for the consideration of the
            Government of India a proposal that Government should purchase the Maria
            Theresa dollars current at Maskat at the rate of about R150 per hundred.
                In 1905, when the Government of India had last considered the question,
            it was held that the introduction of the Indian Rupee currency in the
            territories of the Sultan might stimulate trade with India and be advantageous
            from a political point of view. The Government of India then expressed
            their willingness, subject to certain conditions, to buy dollars from the Sultan
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