Page 445 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 445

             Islam Khan is now anxious to come to terras with Sardar Seyycd Khan, and
             that he has written to Mir Mustapha Khan asking him to intervene.
                 Early in July 1909 information was received, to the effect that Bahrain
             Khan of Dizak had again attacked Bampur with a strong following and
             had taken possession of the Fahraj Fort. Sardar Seyyed Khan joined Bahram
             Khan and appears to have taken possession of the town of Bampur. Many
             camels and a considerable amount of grain was looted and removed to Dizak
             aDd Gaih.
                 Sirgan Sub-District.—Mir Wali Muhammad, headman of Sirgan Sub­
             district, died on the 9th August 1909, and was succeeded by his brother Mir
              Nazar Muhammad, with effect from 1st July 1909.
                 ,Bir Sub-District.—Fourteen insulators were broken by Afghan followers
              of Dur Muhammad Khan, brother of Khalifa Khair Muhammad, in the Bir
              district, during December 1909. The telegraph line was also cut near Bir
              river, on the 8th January 1910, by a party of Afghan gun runners. Mir
              Sahib Khan of Bir did what he could to prevent any recurrence of damage to
              the telegraph line, but I regret to say lyin’ Sheroo of Bir took no steps what­
              ever in the matter.
                 Slave Traffic.r—Five cases of slave dealing came to notice during the
                 Mir Mahmood Khan and Mir Din Muhammad have not been friendly
                                             during the year. The latter is still very
                      Dashtyari District.
                                             young and he has bad advisers who were
              formerly employed by his father, Mir Abdi. On the 20th January 1909,
              Mir Din Muhammad’s followers killed the wife of a British Indian subject.
              The case was reported to the Clerk in Charge, Charbar. On the same day
              Din Muhammad’s men looted the house of one of my linemen named Siaho.
              Of this I have made a special report to the Director and recommended that
              Mir Din Muhammad’s subsidy should be withheld for a period of one year,
              or stopped altogether and .paid to Mir Mahmood Khan.
                  On the 18th November 1909, Mir Nawab Khan with a force of 200 men
                                             attacked Jalal Khan (brother of Mir
                       Bahu District.
                                             Ahmed Khan), who took refuge with 20
              men in the Gwettur Fort. Nawab Khan besieged the fort for about a fort­
              night but Jalal Khan had provisioned the fort and dug a well. I do not
              think Jalal Khan lost any men but there were a few casualties amongst
              Nawab Khan’s men. At this time Mir Ahmed Khan was in Karachi. He
              arrived at Gwadur soon after the affair started and took passage in a native
              boat to Bris where he landed and proceeded to Dashtyari to collect a follow­
              ing and get help from Mir Mahmood Khan. Nawab Khan was eventually
              persuaded to withdraw, and since then no trouble has occurred. When the
              fight commenced the inhabitants of Gwettur left for Gwadur and Charbar,
              toe town has been practically deserted since then.
                  The rainfall has been particularly good, the coming year should, there-
                     RainfaU and Product*.   fore, be a prosperous one.

                                                  DOUGLAS W. GUMBLET,
                                                Officer in charge, Jask Sub-Division.


                                                       H. WHITBY SMITH,
                                               Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs,
                                                 and Political Officer, Mekran Coast.
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