Page 448 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 448
The oharitable dispensary in Mohammcrah, managed by the Quarantine
Medical Officer on behalf of the Govcrn-
Modlct1, ment of India at an annual cost to the
latter of H150 (plus free medicines), was maintained throughout the year.
The Shushtar-Dizful road' was unsafe for the greater part of the year,
the only authority who made any serious
attempt to keep it open being Shaikh
Khazal, when Acting Governor of Arabistan. In October, a large caravan
of some 350 mules was captured and driven off by raiders belonging to the
Sagwand and to the Mushattat’s (Arab) tribe : nothing was recovered from
them. The rest of the roads in Arabistan were safe throughout the year as
The “ Nusrat ” (Persian owned) and the “ Malamir ” (Euphrates and
Tigris Steam Navigation Company—
K&run Navigation—Lower River. Agents: Lynch Brothers) continued
throughout the year.
The state of the river from September until the end of the year was
worse than usual and the “ Malamir ” was in consequence unable to take more
than 100 tons a trip. The Karun changed its course below Nasiri in the
spring, cutting through a split of land below Umm-ut-Tummair, and lessen
ing the distance to Nasiri from Mohammerah by 6 miles.
At the end of the year S. L. “ Ishtar ” was put on the Karun to tow
barges between Mohammcrah and Ahwaz and, in the middle of December, the
“ Blosse Lynch ” was brought from Basrah to cope with the heavy arrears of
cargo destined for Ahwaz which had been accumulating at Mohammerah:
it made only one trip, and, failing to reach Nasiri owing to the shoals in the
river, it was sent back to Baghdad.
The P- S. “ Shushan ” (owned by the Persian Government, run by Messrs.
Lynch Brothers) continued to run from
Upper Karun.
Ahwaz to Shalaili throughout the year
without mishap, as also did the M’awin.”
Arrangements are in progress to equip the “ Shushan ” to burn oil in
place of wood.
It was announced in September that the Bank intended to open a branch
in Mohcmmcrah and, in December, Mr.
Imporul Bank of Persia.
R. N. Dewar Durie arrived from Eng
land to commence business. The establishment of a branch of the Bank in
Mohammerah was welcomed by the local authorities and by the merchants,
and no difficulty was experienced in obtaining suitable quarters.
Business was formally commenced on 1st January 1910.
Dtetful and Shushtar were visited more than once during the year, and
friendly relations maintained with Shaikh Muhammad Hassan, Chief Muj-
tabid in Dizful, and Muhammad Baqir, his son, and with the Mustaufi of
Shushtar, Mirza Tahir Khan, and his son.
A. third visit was paid to Kut Nahr Hashim on New Year’s Day with
Sir \Y illiam Willcpcks, the results of which are touched on below under the
heading Karkha Irrigation Scheme.
A two years’ option, from 10th January 1909, for a “ concession d’exploi-
tation a l’Ahwaz ” was granted to hi
Karan Irrigation Scheme.
de Sturler, the late Netherlands Minis
ter at Tehran, signed by Saad-es-Sultaneb, the Persian Foreign Minister at
the time.
His Majesty’s Minister promptly lodged an objection to the granting of
such a concession without previous consultation with Great Britain, and
stated that the British Government reserved the right to object to any conces
sion that was prejudicial to her interests and was not favourably received
by the Shaikh. The latter was greatly perturbed at the possibility of tbe
land on the banks of the Kanin, now in occupation of the tribes under bun,
being granted to foreigners to develop, and the injudicious boasting of Mr.
ter Meulen at Ahwaz did not reassure him- Our assurances, however,