Page 462 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 462
Ilyas Khan, being of the Ilkhaui family of Bakhtiaris, is to be assisted
in his Governorship, by Fath Ali Khan, Salar-i-Muiyid, son < of the Amir-i-
Muffakham, on behalf of the Haji Ilkhani family.
Fath Ali Khan arrived in Ram Hormuz on the 2nd January 1910 en
route to join his colleague in Behbchan.
After his arrival in Behbehan the Governor commenced collecting a
force with a view to subjugating the Tebi and BJr Ahmad Kuhgclus, in which
task he is being assisted by the Bahmai Kuhgelus, but up to the end of the
year no move had been made.
Inter-tribal fighting has been continuous throughout the year among the
Kuhgolus, notably towards the end of the year between the Lirawi and the
Agha Jerris of Zcitun, and between two sections of the Sarhaddi Tebis under
Khan Ali Khan and Ali Murad Khan respectively.
The fact of His Majesty’s Consul’s tour in the Kuhgclu country in the
autumn has been elsewhere noted under the heading of 4 Tours of His
Majesty’s Consul.’
Hitherto the Kuhgelu country had practically been a 4 terra incognita ’
both politically and geographically, never having been previously visited by
any of His Majesty’s Representatives at Ahwaz. Friendly relations having
been established with various of the Kuhgelu Chiefs it is hoped that, besides
th? direct results of such friendship, this will have a good effect on the minds
of the Bakhtiari Khans, who have hitherto felt themselves to be in the posi
tion of monopoly holders both as regards oil deposits and communications
between Arabist an and Central Persia.
The charge of the Consulate dispensary has been held throughout the
year by Civil Hospital Assistant Fazal
Ilahi who has discharged his duties
with a high degree of efficiency.
The head-quarters dispensary was closed from the 24th May to 26th
November, as the Hospital Assistant accompanied His Majesty’s Consul on
tcur, during which time medical work was done in the districts passed
The daily average attendance at the dispensary for the period during
which it was open at head-quarters during the year 1909 was 93*39 as against
CC-02 for the preceding year, 67 operations having been performed during
the year under report as against 49 the preceding year.
The daily average number of patients treated on tour was 12*08. It is
impossible to form any comparison with previous year’s medical work on
tour as no statistics were kept.
Eye diseases and malarial fever are the diseases most commonly met with
both in Arabistan and among the hill tribes, while those which appeared in
epidemic 'form in head-quarters were small-pox in the spring and malaria
and dysentery in the autumn and winter months.
It is 'interesting to note that this is the first epidemic of malaria which
has occurred in the Ahwaz district since the opening of the dispensary
when records commenced to be kept.
The general health of the Consulate staff has been good during the year
under report.
The only official visitor was Herr Wassrouss, the German Vice-Consul
Ytnion at Bushire, the circumstances of whose
visit have been mentioned supra under
the heading4 Foreign Interests and Activities.*
Owing to the closure of the Bushire-Shiraz-Ispaban Road, Mr- B.
Temple, correspondent for the44 Pioneer ” and “ Civil and Military Gazette,”
travelled up to Ispahan vid the Lynch Road in May-June, visiting the Masjid
Sulaiman oil-fields en route. To prevent misapprehension and misstatements
he was carefully informed as regards Bakhtiari affairs.
Mr. Pearson, of the Carnegie Institute, Washington, accompanied by
a Greek interpreter, visited Ahwaz and Shushtar in the month of May in
connection with the Magnetic Survey of Persia.