Page 465 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 465


                       POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1000.

                Mr. R. E. Holland, I.C.S., and Captain Norman Scott, I.M.S., held the
                                           appointments of Political Agent and
              Tho Political Agoucy and Consulate.  Agency Surgeon, respectively, through­
                                           out the year.
                Major P. Z. Cox, C.S-I., C.I.E., Political Resident at Bushirc, arrived
            at Maskat on February 11th in R. I. M. S. “ Lawrence-” The usual official
            visits were exchanged.
                On April 3rd, a small lighthouse committee consisting of Commander
            Litchfield, R.N., Commander Beauchamp, R.I.M., and Mr. Ilood accompanied
            by Captain Trevor, I.A., First Assistant to the Political Resident, Bushirc,
            visited Maskat in R. I. M- S. “ Lawrence ” to discuss the question of the best
            site for a lighthouse, supposing it were decided to erect one.
                His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of India was pleased
            to confer the title of Khan Sahib as a personal distinction on Seyyid Muliam-
            mad-bin-Said, lately officiating Dragoman of the Agency. A Darbar was
            held at the Agency on September 9th by the Political Agent for the purpose
            of presenting the Sanad of the title to Scyyid Muhammad.
                On the evening of October 15th, it was noticed that smoke was issuing
            from a stack of coal outside one of the coal godowns at the Depot. Prompt
            measures were taken to clear away the coal and to pour water on the stack
            and by the evening of October 16th all danger of combustion was over.
                Sanction has been granted for the construction of new lines for the
            Political Agent’s escort at a cost of R20.000. The work is to be commenced
            after the close of the financial year.
                His Highness the Sultan has enjoyed fairly good health during the year,
                                           but he has been subject to occasional
                  His Highness the Sultan.
                                           attacks of fever.
                His Highness’ cousin, Seyyid Ali-bin-Salim, left for Zanzibar on a
            visit on January 6th. He returned on September 26th.
                Iiis Highness the Sultan proceeded to Sib on March 16th, accompanied
            by his sons, Seyyids Nadir and Muhammad. His Highness returned tc
             Maskat on April 20th. His Highness again went to Sib on October 15th
             and returned on October 28th.
                Habib-bin-Sulayim, the individual mentioned in last year’s report,
            arrived from Mombassa, on April 24th, in the “ Nur-ul-Bahar.” He brought
             a motor-boat for I-Iis Highness.
                Scyyid Taimur, His Highness’ eldest son, left for India on September
             15th. He returned on October 25th after a stay in Karachi and Bombay.
                On November 20th His Highness’ two sons, Seyyids Nadir and Muham­
             mad, were betrothed, respectively, to the daughters of Ali-bin-Salim.
                His Highness accompanied by Scyyids Nadir and Ali-bin-Salim   went
             to Iti on December 23rd.
                 The usual inter-tribal feuds continued throughout the year and many
             persons were murdered.                                            J
                 The As Sinbiy in.—On the night of April 18th, while His Highness the
               Events in His Highness’ territories.  Sultan was staying in the fort at Nakhl,
                             .              three of His Highness’ followers  were
             treacherously shot in their sleep by men of the As Siabiyin tribe. The  mur-
             derers lied, llis Highness returned at once to Sib and collected
                                                                        mcn and
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