Page 578 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 578



                       The relations between the Political Agent and the Chief were very
                               Political.         friendly throughout the year.
                       The Chief event of importanoe was that the Shaikh agreed to build, at
                   his own expense, a pier in Manama for the landing of cargo from the steamers
                   at all tides. The idea is still in the preliminary stage.
                       The authorities of Hasa again sent soldiers to Zakhnuniyah during the
                   year, and it became necessary to remind the Porte of past promises with the
                   result that the soldiers were withdrawn.
                       Almas, Negro, the Confidential Adviser of Shaikh Isa, died on 11th
                   January, and was replaced by Ali-bin-Abdulla.
                       On the advice of Ali-bin-Abdullah, Shaikh Isa called upon house owners
                   to produce the sanads in virtue of which they held their property. On their
                   failing to do so they were evicted and no consideration was paid to the period
                   of possession.
                       Shaikh Mukbil-bin-Abdur Rahman adh Dhakair protested to Shaikh Isa
                   against this measure as it pressed hardly on the poor.
                       The protest had the desired effect, and the Shaikh promised to refrain
                   from such actions in future.
                       The 23rd of Hay was observed as a day of mourning in Bahrain for the
                   death of His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII. The bazaars were
                   closed, and the Political Agent received visits of condolence from Shaikh Isa
                    and his sons as v,Tell as from the leading members of the different communities
                    in Bahrain.
                       On 21st July Captain Dodington, R.N., of His Majesty’s Ship “ Red­
                   breast,” accompanied by the Political Agent, visited Shaikh Isa and the latter,
                    accompanied by his sons, returned the Commander’s visit on board His
                    Majesty’s Ship “ Redbreast.”
                        As he left the ship a salute of 11 guns was fired in honour of the Shaikh.
                    This was the first time that Shaikh Isa received the enhanced salute which
                    was conferred upon him last year by the Government of India.
                        On the receipt of reliable information the house of a leading merchant of
                    Muharraq, Yusuf-bin-Abdur Rahman Fakro, was successfully searched for
                    arms and ammunition, on 2nd August 1910, by the Political Agent with the
                    consent of Shaikh Isa and a number of rifles, revolvers with much ammunition
                    were confiscated. Yusuf Fakro was fined Rs. 4,000 which was paid to Shaikh
                    Isa, and the arms and ammunition were thrown into the sea.
                        Simultaneously with this search, the premises of some foreigners, sus­
                    pected of dealing in arms, were successfully searched and the guilty men
                        Mr. K. Wram, a Russian trader from Maskat, established his business in
                    Bahrain in February. When arms seizures were made, it transpired that be
                    was smuggling arms and ammunition into Bahrain and reliable evidence was
                    collected to this effect.
                        He happened to be absent in Maskat at the time and, to prevent his return
                    here, Shaikh Isa wrote to the Political Agent requesting that steps might be
                    taken to prevent his landing in Bahrain should he arrive by steamer. The
                    necessary steps were accordingly taken, but Mr. Wram made no attemp1
                    to return.
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