Page 583 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 583
In J\ily, a fight occurred between the inhabitants of Fariq-al-Siasib and
Fariq-al-Ayuni in Mubarraz over the arrest Of the murderer of one of the
Siasib men some two years ago. One of the Siasib and two of the Ay uni
people were killed.
In tho same month, Saud, one of the two principal men of the Al Mohdnna
section of the Ayun, caused his rival Salih, who was chosen headman by the
tribe, to be shot by his fidawi and took refuge with the Al Audah section.
Thereupon a fight occurred between the two tribal sections, the casualties
being 11 men of Al Mohanna and G of tho Al Audah killed.
Later on the deceased’s 6on, with the assistance of his tribe, arrested the
murderer. On hearing this, Saud started to kill Salih’s son, but the latter’s
tribe rose in a body and beseiged Saud in a fort and the Mutcsarrif of Hasa
subsequently arrested and imprisoned him.
Two caravans were attacked during the year on the Ilasa-Ojair caravan
route, and goods worth 2,000 rials were carried off by the Bedouins.
In August, the post from Ojair to Hasa was robbed by the Bedouin of
Bani Hajir and Al Morra.
The Mutesarrif of Hasa arrested during the year Fahad-al-ITafar and
Muhammad-bin-Hafaisba, the two headmen of the Bani Hajir, on account of
their complicity in caravan looting.
On the expiry of the Customs lease, the Turkish Government have as
sumed the administration of the Customs of Hasa and Qatif, and the import
duty has been raised to 11 per cent.
The Turkish Government have closed the Customs posts at Hofuf, and
the imports from Turkish territory to Hofuf, Ojair and Qatif and exports
therefrom to Turkish territory are now free of duty. On exports to foreign
countries 1 per cent, duty is levied.
With the exception of a few months absence in Basrah, Ali Suad Beg
continued in Office 83 Mutesarrif of Hasa during the year. The people of
Hasa are pleased with his government as ho deals severely with robbers and
thefts are on the decrease in consequence.
The Turkish garrison of ilasa has been reduced to 180 men.
In the early part of the year, Abdul Aziz-bin-Saud visited the vicinity of
Qatif and sent 4 oz his men to Qatif with a demand for provisions, but the
demand was not complied with, until instructions were received from the
Mutcsarrif of Hasa to'supply Bin Saud with 200 bags of rice and 2 bags of
In revenge for the murder of their tribesmen by the people of Awainiah,
in Qatif last year 35 of the Bani Hajir made a sudden attack on the village
and killed 5 Qatifis.
The Turkish authorities have since prohibited the carrying of arms in
Qatif and, as the result, no firing is to be heard either during day or night,
and the town is much safer. Anyone found firing is promptly attested and
his arras confiscated.
Bedouins and other people entering Qatif are made to.dcposit their arms
at the outer gate of the town and, when they leave the place, the arms are re-
turned to them.
In August, some Bani FChalid in Qatif closed a water canal running
from their date garden to that of Mansur-bin-Juma Pasha. The latter how
ever obtained the assistance of his friend Bin Mahdi with about 50 followers
who opened up the canal. The Bani Khalid thereupon reported the matter
to the Kaimmakara who confined Bin Mahdi, but he was subsequently released
on Mansur Pasha’s interceding with the Mutesarrif of Hasa.
Izzat Beg, Kaimmakam of Qatif, was transferred in the early part of
office^’ am* Toufiq was appointed in his place and still holds the
The Qatif garrison of 300 has been reduced to 70 men.
Mard^ man"°f_war M Marmaris ” visited Ojair and Qatif in